The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, January 4, 2013

You Can Only Handle So Much of This

Don't get me wrong -- I'm not looking down at Las Vegas. Not really.
It's great fun to go there the first time. Everything is huge and your feet had best be in good shape, but to the first-time tourist, it has its charms. Where else can you see enormous, bejeweled women guarding over a mall?
I don't think I should like to cross this one.
Can't you see the disapproval in her eyes because you passed up Neiman Marcus for something a tad more budget friendly? Or is it sad recognition of her fate as something to be looked at but not touched.
There are fountains and volcanoes and pirate ship fights right on the street for everyone to see!
There is plenty of free entertainment. The atrium of The Venetian often has singers and if you don't like that, you can take a gondola ride.
You can head down and watch the light show in the Fremont Street Experience.
Or you can watch the people who come to hawk their wares at Fremont.
And there is always some sort of music on the streets down there!
Yes, there is art, including some galleries. But for a real splash, check out the Chihuly ceiling in the Bellagio!
Let's get a closer look!
Even the tram between some of the hotels has some interesting work on the walls.
Shopping? There is a more than a bit -- and on the strip you can count on it being quite expensive! But the real fun is the window displays!
There are elaborate installations in the casino hotel/shopping areas, and even if you aren't much on gambling, you can't say there isn't much to look at!
There is always something new in Las Vegas, no matter how many times you go.
For me it was the Cosmopolitan -- which was like walking through a giant, elegant chandelier. I felt like I was in pink Oz.
The help there is nice, too. This security guard picked up my camera when left at a slot machine. I may have lost the coins but the camera was found!
You can go from Egypt to Paris, New York to Italy in just a matter of a few miles.
Someone is always trying to sell you something, but I must say, they do it in innovative ways! If you can call a mosaic innovative! Yeah, back in Byzantine times, maybe! You don't see them often these days!
I don't mean to jest.
Vegas is kind of fun and it can be quite beautiful. It can also be a little bit cheesy. But it is definitely big! And speaking of big, we said farewell to our lovely lady in the giant pink hat.
It was time to hit the road.
Next post we'll hit something really big!


  1. You're on the road and in the WEST! Which direction are you heading in now. Might we be anywhere remotely close to each other????

  2. Vegas is fun and full of sights but it can also be overwhelming for me. Too many sights and sounds and no place to enjoy a quiet moment or two.

  3. Oh wow, my guess is that you are seeing Hoover Dam of the Grand Canyon next! How exciting!

    I have never been to Vegas. I figure it is something I should see once but I have not made it out there yet...

  4. You are right about Las Vegas....there is always a lot to see. We seem to end up there a couple of times a year and there is always something new, but 3-4 days is usually enough for me. Your pictures are great and gave me some things to look for the next time I go.

  5. Wow -- great photos and insights about Las Vegas, Jeanie!

  6. The more I see of Vegas through your eyes and your camera, the more certain I am I'll never go there. I've never found it appealing - but then, I'm one of those weird ones who's never had an urge for Disney "anything" or huge cruise ships.

    It's certainly spectacular. And there are some amazing things - even creative. I'm rather fond of that mosaic, for example. Well, and the chocolate fountain. But time and money is limited, and there are real people in real places I'd much rather see!

  7. I have to say that I did not like Vegas very much... I loved the desert though. When you get out of the city, it is a sight to see. Enjoy Jeanie!!!

  8. I've never been to Vegas. As always, your pics capture the atmosphere for us. I could enjoy that chocolate fountain. :) Just saying.

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  10. Have never had a hankering to go to Vegas, but you have shown things I have never heard of. That fountain though, reminds me of the movie Ocean's 11!

  11. Whoa... Las Vegas really does have too much of everything...LOL! ;o) But such fun! I can imagine going the once maybe, but it's almost too much...haha! LOVE that last photo...can't wait to see what's around the bend. :o) Happy Week, Jeanie ((HUGS))

  12. Gorgeous pictures, Jeanie ... definitely an over-the-top kind of experience: am happy to enjoy it, though--at a distance. Looking forward to the natural beauty of your next stop!


  13. Hm, undoubtedly interesting. Or should I say fascinating?

    Rather OTT, the whole thing, but that’s what is so fascinating. I think one visit would be enough to last me a lifetime.

    I thought Vegas was all gambling and shows, but of course there has to be the shopping experience too.

  14. I remember going to Las Vegas when I was living in California – that would have been in the 1960s! a lifetime away! It must have changed so much as it was not very big then- it did not make a great impression on me. It would be nice to see the Eiffel Tower in the US though – can you get on in it? It was a fun post.

  15. I've said to myself too, like shoreacres, that I'd never go to Vegas (again... went there in the 70's) But then I went last Feb. on an invitation from a cousin. Good that I found Chihuly's fantastic glass works. Also, we used LV as a stopover to the most fascinating visit: The Grand Canyon. Thanks for sharing these photos. I'm sure you'd find something interesting no matter where you go. That's the spirit I appreciate in you. :)

  16. I've never been to Vegas, but it's not on my wish list. Your pictures look amazing though.
    Jeanie, thank you so much for the lovely card. I just received it yesterday when we stopped by to check for any mail left behind at our old address. It was like Christmas all over with several cards that our perfect USPS had neglected to forward to our new address. ;) Thank you so much, my friend, and Happy New Year to you.

  17. Oh how fun this was to read and see. I loved your photos. It has been a few years, maybe more than I think, since I've been to Las Vegas. It was my first trip. I was like a wide eyed child. I wish I'd used my camera to capture it all like you did.

  18. Before I visited Vegas the first time I had no desire to visit there, but a conference took me there and I have enjoyed the three ring circus atmosphere there each time I have visited. Your photos just remind me of how colorful it is. Now I am not attending the conference anymore, so not going to Vegas; but the memories are fun. Thanks for the memories~

  19. I must admit, scenic vistas and historical architecture is more my style, but I loved the Pepsi mosaic. I laughed out loud! Thanks so much for the virtual visit.


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