The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holidays are Over. Let the Holidays Begin!

You heard about the tough part of our Thanksgiving weekend, but don't feel as though it was all bad! The week leading up to it and times after were great fun. We kicked off the season with our annual city light parade.

The weather was in the 50s, so being outside to enjoy was fun.

The parade was followed by fireworks behind the capitol.We had a great spot to stand!

The next day, my friend Jan and I went with her mom and aunt to the greens market in the town of Northville.

It was hard to choose between the wreaths, swags and arrangements. They were all perfect!

This is one of the most charming towns I've ever been in and the shops were decked out in full finery.

They were ready for us and we didn't disappoint the Northville merchants. So many lovely things to get us in the spirit!

Then, a few days later, was Thanksgiving. As you read in the last post, the day wasn't without its challenges. But it also had moments of great joy and beauty. The weather was perfect, with the temperature in the 60s.

Rick and I enjoyed a lovely walk through "the ditch," savoring the rich tans and browns and water that reflected the blue sky.

We were able to see Kevin (who now lives in Alabama) and his finacee Molly. We've missed them both so much! Greg came by on Sunday.

I was able to bring out the turkey dishes (Johnson Bros. "His Majesty") -- Mom bought these when I was maybe nine or so. I remember driving to Canada to get them at a better price.

I was able to repurpose a centerpiece that Rick received while he was in the hospital last month with MRSA using some corks I'd saved and some wheat courtesy of Diana.

We were able to enjoy a dinner with the GGs (the Great Gang of Women!) This time we let the guys come along.

And of course we took photos!
(WARNING! Cat photos coming up!)

I was also able to enjoy some snuggle time with Mlle. Lizzie Cosette.

She always has something to say. (I am fearing some challenges with the Christmas tree -- she is already captivated by the lights and not in a good way, as she'll swat at them.)

Fortunately, there are 25 pounds of kitty litter on each leg of the tree stand. Ballast.
 Let us prepare for the quiet time. The advent season. Time to reflect. To anticipate the season ahead.


  1. The city light parade is fantastic and your little kitty is looking mighty mischievous. I can tell but that little meowing face that your lights will not last long ;-)

  2. What a beautiful picture of you. Love seeing Lizzie here too. Our tree just went up last night and there has been one gentle swiping. Love the dinner ware from your mom. And yes, it is also a time for quiet and reflection.

  3. I am glad to see the joy in your Thanksgiving week in spite of the Thanksgiving day tragedy. That is what life is, isn't and downs.
    I have to agree with Introverted Art above....your tree is in some danger from that mischievous looking little kitty.

  4. Glad to see the joys of Thanksgiving! I hope you have lots of joys this holiday season.

  5. All the parade lights, the fireworks, and the wreaths look very festive. And Lizzie looks so sweet and innocent curled up sleeping and so mischievous meowing at the camera. I think you might be in for some interesting times with the Christmas tree!

  6. Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

    Enjoy the blessings of the season!


  7. what a beautiful celebration
    of the simple things....always
    find the most joy in those:)
    you look beautiful, by the way,
    and i'm glad to see the sparkle in
    your eyes!
    lovely, lovely photos.
    thanks for letting me tag along
    inside your world
    for awhile:)

  8. I feel uplifted, much lighter after reading this post. It flows with good cheer, bright smiling faces, lovely wreaths and floral arrangements, happy times with friends. You, my dear, look amazing in that beautiful photo by the 'ditch.' I love the colors you are wearing. The shawl is just gorgeous. But, the very special Mlle. Lizzie Cosette takes the cake. She is just too precious. She is going to bring you so much joy.

  9. Love your lights too. The warm weather really gave people the time to get outside and decorate. The colors in your pictures are so vibrant.

  10. I loved reading the word "Advent" in your post. It doesn't get much press these days, but as you say, it's an important time of resting, waiting and quieting. I've got a new post up about the season in the country that you'll enjoy.

    And now! My seasonal tip of the day!
    I have a length of galvanized chain I've kept since the second Christmas with Dixie. It's enough chain to fill up one of those small, square priority postal boxes. It's so heavy I can lift it, but just barely.

    Wrap that chain around the base of your tree, and it isn't going to go over. I think there must be about ten feet or so - maybe more. Anyway - end of the tippy-tree problem.

  11. Hi, Jeanie! Lovely to catch up with you after returning from some travels and Thanksgiving break! Veyr fun to see you, Rick gathered with those you love. And, of course, sweet Lizzie Cosette too! Your reminder of taking time for quiet & reflection is timely. I'm in a place of trying to find a harmony in all there is to do at the moment and still find time to enjoy the things I love to do--like painting, etc. This time of year is such a challenge in that respect. LOVE your last photo of the candle--very inspiring! Happy week ((HUGS))

  12. Great pics! I wanted to tickle little Lizzie's tummy. She's a vocal one, isn't she? My Jenny is too - she loves it when I sing to her and the sillier the better! Do you sing to Lizzie?

  13. What a fun and amusing post, Jeanie. Love the GGs picture. Will enjoy the 1st Christmas antics of Mlle. Cossette,I'm sure. Little Mister Delaware is a bit frantic with all the comings and goings of Don from the garage as he decorates the house. He is current laying on my chest (at a safe distance) being very watchful. I may have to tranq him when the tree goes up. LOL

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  16. I always find there are much more vibrant Christmas atmosphere in the U.S. than here. I've enjoyed all your festivities and preparations. Thanks for sharing your family photos too. Just lovely!

  17. Missed out to much my dear friend and I am sorry for that. I'll mail you. Wonderful hugs and loved to catch up with you again. Thanks for sharing love Dagmar.

  18. I have seen your beautiful post with autumn colors. Then I read the sad post you shared with us – I am so sorry.
    Your little Lizzie Cosette is adorable. She does look like she is talking to you – and she is. These little animals are so small and bring so much happiness and companionship. I am pleased you found her, or she found you. I hope she won’t be too tempted by your Christmas tree.

  19. Ha. I love that we're both Trixie fans. I was surprised, actually, at how many of us there are. Isn't blogging amazing?? The way we find our tribe, I mean.

  20. I love seeing all the beautiful Christmas decorations this time of year! There were so many big, beautifully decorated trees in California. I think they actually do it up more than we do in the midwest (at least in Minneapolis).

    Mlle Lizzie is so cute - I can tell from the pictures that she has quite the personality!!!

  21. I'm so glad you posted this post after the last one, but that's you, isn't it? You never let things rest on a down note.

    These pictures are great. You look beautiful, dahling, in your cozy wrap on the bridge.

    I'm envious of your turkey plates. Those pics sent me to eBay. I bet your plates have nice memories attached to them.

    Aren't you clever with those corks. I saved corks for awhile because I saw some big vase/jar half full of them in some ad.... you know... like Pottery Barn or something. Then I never used them because they looked neat in the ad but silly in my jar. I dunno. Your arrangement is beautiful.

    Onward to Christmas and the New Year.

  22. I like the way your post both began and ended with lights, but light of such a very different kind and with a different atmosphere.

    I would love to see a festival of lights, but would be frustrated because I usually find it hard to take photos of lights. (Yours are very good. )


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