The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Magical Holiday Greeting

During this busy holiday time I encourage you to step into a magical land.
A land with bears, large...
...and small.
A land where villages are made of chocolate...
And flowers are everywhere.
Penguins enjoy their winter games like hockey...
...and snow games.
The trees are small.
But the decorations are large.
And the rocking horse is even larger!
So join with us in this magic land. Remember childhood and beauty.
Then bundle up with all your sparkle.
And celebrate!
Merry Christmas!
From Jeanie and Rick

(These photos were from the Bellagio Conservatory in December 2012. Papa Bear is made from 18,000 carnations, Mama Bear from 10,000 and Baby Bear from 8,000. There are more than 40,000 poinsettias and they replace them every two weeks. The village is made of chocolate with candy trimmings and cereal roofs. And yes, it really is magical!)


  1. What an enchanting Christmas greeting. Merry Christmas to you.

  2. Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing with us, Jeanie! You and Rick look great in the photo, too! Merry Christmas!

  3. That's amazing! And.... You and Rick DO look great!

  4. You outdid yourself this time Jeanie. I actually remembered skating on the creek when I was a kid and making chocolate and gingerbread houses with my mom and the boys. Merry Christmas and love to all those you love and to all who love you. Kitty/Mom

  5. Oh what splendid photos as always dear Jeanie and your narrative is always perfect too!

    Here's wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas that is happy and bright!

    Brightest of Blessings always!

  6. Oh, the baby bear is my favorite one! Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos and lovely sentiments for each one. Buon Natale! :)

  7. What a gorgeous display, Jeanne. Have a wonderful day. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.


  8. Very cool photos. Very nice greeting. Merry Christmas and Jhappy New Year to you and Rick!

  9. I'm suddenly much more kindly disposed toward Vegas! Such a delightful display - filled with humor and memories of a simpler time. I'd love to see it - but what am I saying? I have seen it, thanks to you! You're so good at bringing us wonders that we'd never know about otherwise - and I thank you for that!

    I loved the cork poppers entry, too. I'm going to go back through some of your wine tasting posts and find something new for Christmas day - it's about time I took your advice in such matters!

    Merry Christmas to you, Rick, Lizzie Cosette and all those you care for. Here's to a wonderful new year, filled with everything you hope for, including as much freelancing as you can handle!

  10. I love visiting here at the Bellagio no matter what time of the year, it is beautiful! Love seeing their Christmas bears, flowers, and chocolate houses. Merry Christmas to you, dear Jeanie!

  11. How fanciful! I hope your holiday was filled with a little magic and a lot of love. Merry Christmas, Jeanie.

  12. Loving those mums as snow such a great idea. What a wonderful, creative display!

  13. Wow!! Those are beautiful shots! I hope you and Rick had a very merry Christmas!

  14. what a truly amazing place!
    i love the papa bear made all of
    glad your holiday was whimsical
    and bright!


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