The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, November 4, 2012

London -- Goodbye, Europe!

There just wasn't enough time in London. Not enough time for shopping.
Not enough time for walking about.
Not enough time to enjoy many of the things we would have liked. Like another really good pint of beer at a "genuine" pub! (Not a touristy place.)
But you make the most of what you have. So, we walked about in the rain enjoying the sites on the various paths commemorating Princess Diana...
...and the Queen.
We laughed at signs that amused us.
We were captivated by brightly painted doors.
I found the Tardis everywhere (any other Doctor Who fans out there? You'll get it!)
More than once our paths took us back to St. Martin's in the Field. We wished we could have heard a concert there.
But we did have a special treat. The best show in town and free at that! Evensong at Westminster Abbey.
Evensong takes place at 5 p.m. People line up in front of the abbey and are quietly led into the sanctuary, walking over gravestones of Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin, among many others. You are seated, the choir enters and the service begins. The location -- the site of royal funerals and weddings. (Oh! How the imagination soars!).
It was powerful, beautiful. Perfect.
We headed toward our hotel, taking the popular double-decker bus.
And it was then we decided we should have a special dinner. Our friends Linda and Larry had given us a generous gift with the purpose of having a lovely dinner. We chose the Russell Hotel, located on one edge of Russell Square, which was coming into full bloom.
. The name may sound familiar to you if you are a fan of "Cats." Remember at the end, when the cat is dying and going to her next life, they sing, "Up, up, up past the Russell Hotel. Up, up, up to the Heavyside Layer?
Well, that song kept going through our heads. It came as little surprise but with sad irony that as we were going up to the Russell Hotel, our dear Gypsy was beginning his journey to the Heavyside Layer. 
As you would expect, the dinner was lovely, and it was a perfect way to end our holiday and toast to friends at home and those we'd enjoyed on vacation.
We arrived at our hotel, tired and sick (at least I was,  101 fever) with packing to do for our early departure.
And the next morning, we were the only ones at the tube.
Goodbye, London. Goodbye, Europe. I hope I'll return to see you again!

Thank you all for "traveling" with us on our European vacation and for indulging me with your lovely comments on the posts. Because of Gypsy's illness and the graduation of Rick's son the day after we returned, we had little time to process our trip. Doing so with you has been a joy for me. Thanks for going along!


  1. Enjoyed this! I learn new things every time I read these posts!

  2. You brought so many beautiful memories back to life for me. I got to spend time in London summer of 2011 and loved each moment I was there. Loved Westminster Abbey.

  3. A whirlwind tour of London, and I enjoyed every scene. (Hope you didn't get food poisoning!) What a great trip you had.

  4. It's been a lovely "vacation" for me to go along on your travels. Gypsy is the only sad part of it. Big hugs to you!

  5. what struck me is how tubelike the tube was!. Thanks for sharing places I will never see and places I have seen.

  6. It looks like you had such a wonderful time, in spite of not feeling well. Your photos made me long for my favorite little hotel near Paddington Station and my favorite pub around the corner from the hotel.

  7. Thanks for sharing the trip! You are a great guide (read that as talented writer).

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful trip with all of us, Jeanie! I've loved your pictures and your writing! How poignant it was that you had you lovely dinner at the Russell Hotel shortly before Gypsy passed on. So maybe the dinner was honoring him, too, whether you knew it at the time or not. I do hope you get a chance to go back to London and spend as much time as you want there (and I look forward to more pictures and the fascinating narrative of that future trip!)

  9. It was a wonderful trip. I am so glad we could reminisce with you.

  10. I loved going on a bit of your trip with you. All the photos were just great. You captured the best of it for us to share.

  11. Hooray for the Tardis! Hoorah, hooray! And yea for you, giving us another wonderful set of photos! I don't like blue, generally, but I loved that bright blue door. And Westminster - well. There's nothing like it. I didn't get to any services there - it was Salisbury and Yorkminster for me - but that's all right.

    I'm hoping you're feeling just fine - I'm about ready for bed now, as this time change always is harder for me than in spring. No idea why - it just is!

  12. Hello hello my redheaded ladyfriend. Byes it is. With good memories to hold on to and keep your heart warm. Thank you for uplifting the country I live in. Thank you for showing it to me through different eyes. You did a great job with amazing pictures to guide the warm story you told along the way. Next time you're in Holland do give me a ring and we have a coffee over a good conversation.
    Be well my marmelade friend. Be well.
    Hugs Dagmar

  13. Looks like a terrific vacation. My husband has never visited London and I haven't been since I was a student. I hope we get a chance to go soon.

  14. Oh, but you still got to see and do a lot, Jeanie! This was such fun! So much enjoyed traveling around Europe with you these months. You'll get back, I'm sure you will! :o) Thank you ((LOVE & HUGS))

  15. Thank You for the opportunity to explore Europe and England with you and Rick. I would love to see your thoughts bound into a "visitor's guide" because I feel like I have been like a fly on your shoulder, seeing and experiencing your trip with you. Thanks for sharing. Kitty

  16. well dear Jeanie
    the end of your trip
    and Gypsy's passing have me in tears once again...

    this post and all of your travels have been so very wonderful!!!

    you are great to take the time to write and share photos and adventures with (I know it is no small undertaking)

    Take care dear one

  17. Thank YOU for taking us along. What great memories for the two of you. Loved it all.

  18. It was so fun to read along! I am glad you had a chance to process it and share it with us! I loved all the pictures and hearing about your adventures!


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