The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Walk Down the Avenue

Back to Paris! After recuperating from our road trip, Jerry took us on an auto tour of the city.Of course, he dropped us off at Trocadero for a photo op! (Note -- we STARTED this day with sun, sort of!)
What a great place for a wedding -- if you liked lots of people watching you!
Then it was around to various sites including Rue Victor Hugo and Victor Hugo Place, continuing our theme! You can see Arc de Triomphe in the background!
Eventually he dropped us off at the end of the Champs Elysee and we enjoyed a "walk down the avenue." The sky was almost an unbearable, beautiful blue!
The stores are lovely. It was a Sunday and most were closed (probably a good thing, given the sticker shock!)
But we did enjoy looking at the new Toyota Prius...
... and this tiny thing!
Then we continued on to Arc de Triomphe. It's pretty impressive with an amazing history. The first ston ewas laid by Napoleon in 1805 after the 1805 Battle of Austerlitz, but because of the demise of Napoleon's power, it wasn't completed until 1836.
It stand 164 feet -- and is incredibly imposing. The site of key events, Victor Hugo's body lied in state under the Arc in 1885. In 1919, Allie armies paraded through the arc after WWI.
The Arc de Triomphe is located in Place Charles de Gaulle, named for the World War II general, who, during the Liberation of Paris in WWII led the crowd from the Arc. 
A dozen avenues converge at the arc in the center. One of these is Avenue Victor Hugo. If you remember from earlier posts, he is one of Rick's heroes. So of course, we took lots of photos!
All that walking makes a girl tired, so we settled in at a cafe in Place Victor Hugo for a fabulous chocolat chaud for me and espresso for Rick.
I had heard the hot chocolate in France was unlike anywhere else. I can't speak for the world, but let me say, it is no Swiss Miss. It's nearly as thick as chocolate sauce and twice as decadent!
Then it was back to watch the crazy traffic parade at the Arc. I'm amazed there aren't numerous crashes there daily. This cyclist seemed to know what he was doing, but I wouldn't have done it.
After more looking, and with a driving rain that popped up, of course, we decided to get dry and check out the McDonald's to see how it was different. The McCafe was to die for. I only got this one photo before they told me 'no photos.'
However, upstairs, we did get a bit of a view of the street. It was raining at this time (of course; blue sky one minute, rain the next!) so there aren't so many people out!
We made a quick stop at the Swarovski crystal store and did a good deal of window shopping. 
Then we moved on to the famous Haussmann Blvd. and over to the Opera House. I'll talk about that in more detail later. From there, we moved south, toward Place Vendome, notable for its towering monument.
My friend Judy wanted a photo of Coco Chanel's original atelier.
I was pleased we found it!
The Ritz is located there as well, and one couldn't help but recall Diana's flight from the hotel, leading to her death. 
From the front it's not terribly imposing.
We ended up taking the Metro to an area called St. Paul in the Marais and dined at a charming restaurant -- and I've gotta say, it felt darned good to sit down!
 They showed Laurel & Hardy silents on the wall and much of the decor was old movie posters -- I felt right at home! My boeuf burgongoine wasn't quite as good as Julia's but tasty and Rick's pork chop was to die for!
A long walk home and we were ready to crash, once again!

Travel Lessons

I've said this before: Basic operating equipment -- good shoes and an umbrella.
A good map helps, too. I'm hoping to get my favorite Paris guide and map books on Chopsticks and String within the next few days. I'll let you know when it's posted!


  1. Sorry the weather didn't cooperate, but it looks like a great walk. I'm really enjoying the photos of your trip.

  2. SO IT IS IN PARIS where that famous crystal staircase is?????

    JEANIE DEAR.....thank you for visiting this morning! I am very pleased to meet you and dearest, it is NEVER too late to join the party. The party lasts until next Friday June 15. I will put THIS BLOG on my list. Just follow the other links and see what everyone is doing and that way they know you are live. I have already visited all the participants, but I doubt if everyone has had a chance to go through the entire list. I just don't want anyone to miss visiting you. I will put you on the list now and when you have a chance, visit the others.


  3. Hi! What a great inspiring Paris post!!!! I want to go sooo much! And I agree, what a great place to get married :)

  4. Wow! I've enjoyed this so much, visitng Paris with you!!!

    ~ Violet

  5. I've said it before and I'll say it again...

    Your trip sounds fantastic, and I'm jealous!

  6. There is just something about Paris. I think it is my favortie city in the world.

  7. I see you found your way to Anita's party after all, Jeanie. I just noticed your comment. Funny, because I kept thinking how wonderful your posts would be fore this tour but I had not had a chance to visit and let you know. Her complete link and button is at the bottom of my "Timeless" post.
    AND, I got goosebumps when I just saw your Chanel pic. hahaha Did you see what I wrote about it? Too funny. You lucky girl.

  8. Enjoying the pix and narrative!

  9. i've enjoyed this post so much, you've really spoiled us with all these fabulous photographs and your descriptions made me feel like i was right there with you.
    also i love the handsome marmalade cat =^.^=

    wishing you a magical paris week xx

  10. One can never get enough photos of Paris...thank you for posting, and please keep the photos coming!

  11. I have to laugh as the first time I was in Paris we walked down the Champs Elysees and one of our group of 8 women was fed up with French food, so went to that McDonald's, while the rest of us went across the avenue and nearby to the Laduree. We gave her a bad time. That sandwich does look good though. Definitely good shoes and an umbrella. Loving reliving my time in Paris through your adventures.

  12. Love seeing your pictures! And I love how you added those vintage ones in!!!

  13. Isn't it funny how brides seem to appear everywhere touristy? I think some of them are models doing advertising shoots -- others are for real, of course. Your day in Paris does sound wonderful, though exhausting.

  14. Where shall I begin? I loved every part of this post. Oh to go to Paris again. There are so many things we didn't get to do. I barely got a glance at the Arc de Triomphe and did not get walk down Champs Elysee as I have dreamed of doing. I guess means I must go back. When I do, I will have a cup of the chocolate for sure.

    I did see Coco Chanel's original atelier and tried to get a picture of it for my mother but was unable. Your's turned out beautifully. Love it.

    You had an amazing day.

  15. Hi Jeanie
    So very nice to meet you via dear Anita's Paris party.. The crystal staircase is breathtaking.. Such beautiful images of Paris..
    Enjoy your tour.

  16. I love that shot of you & Rick in front of the Eiffel Tower! What a great shot! I am glad you got some great weather (well, aside from the rain you experienced during the day). I loved walking up Champs Elysee! The stores were so beautiful. It was fun to window shop and people watch.

    Another wonderful day recapped - thanks for sharing! :)

  17. WOW... it is such a thrill to see your France photos, Jeanie... And what fun to see one of the world's most famous main streets! Those glittery stairs are amazing! We're refinishing the staircase to the 2nd floor of our house this summer... hhhmmm...maybe I should add some glitter to the paint?! ;o) LOL... Happy Week ((HUGS))

  18. Hi Jeanie, Such a wonderful tour of Paris through your lovely photos. I see we are drawn to a lot of the same places again, doing the same type of days. I think we should travel together some day. I know it would be twice the fun.........See you in Paris!
    Great Paris Post!

    The French Hutch

  19. What a jam-packed day!! No wonder you were ready to crash at the end of it. But so many lovely photos. The architecture is impressive to say the least.

  20. Time in Paris is the best, and it appears you know this first hand. Thanks for sharing your images. Funny, I have an image of 101 Champs Elysees. I think that's Louis Vuitton, correct? ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  21. Visiting Paris again with you was a delight. Such an incredible city ! Delighted to have enjoyed it through Anita's Paris celebration.

  22. Lovely post!
    You took me back to my own sweet memories of Paris......
    Have a happy week!
    Maria x

  23. Lovely photos and narrative of your Paris adventures Jeanie

  24. Good night! Those crystal stairs blow me away.

  25. I'm still thinking about those amazing crystal stairs!

  26. Amazing! Can you tell me the location of the Chanel Atelier? Would love to go there next week.


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