The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Harry's Back! It's Really Spring!

It really must be spring. Harry has returned.

Harry the Heron made his first appearance at the Ditch about a week ago.

Well, his first appearance to me, at least.

He was hungry.

Very hungry.

And oh, so alert!

Welcome back, Harry!

It's good to have you in the 'hood!

Other signs of spring... newly decorated eggs...

Flower shopping before Easter with my friend Jan...

Get a look at these!

And Easter flowers on my table.

Yes, it really is spring!


  1. Welcome back, Harry.
    Stupendous photo's, Jeanie.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It looks as if spring has sprung for sure. Welcome back, Harry. I hope he is aware of the fan club he has.

    I loved the spring flower photos.

  4. Love the photos! Gorgeous flowers,too and love those dyed Easter eggs!

  5. Don't you just love Spring and Harry's return? Just wonderful! And now, oh I am so excited for you, the countdown is on!

  6. Yesssss.... Harry is back! Beautiful pics... and yes, the countdown is one!

  7. Renewal in all forms - happy spring!

  8. Good to see Harry, but it sure doesn't feel like spring this morning.

  9. Welcome back, Harry!
    Delightful post...made me smile all the way through. :)
    Thanks for visiting, Jeanie.

  10. Yay for spring! Harry looks like Nessie in the first few photos! LOVE your eggs!!!

  11. Harry the original ;)
    I like herons, we do see them once in a while, if we're lucky.

  12. Harry is one handsome heron that's for sure and your photos are brilliant...Love the reflection ones

    your eggs look too pretty to crack...
    Happy Spring Jeanie

  13. I've been waiting for a Harry post! I am glad that he is back. Those pictures are beautiful. It's so cheery to see flowers in bloom!

  14. Harry looks mythical... wonderful pics! This is a beautiful post, thanks Jeanie. My Spring is quite different from yours. You're welcome to stop by and take a look. :)

  15. Well, hello Harry... aren't you a beautiful guy! Spring looks so good there, Jeanie... LOVE seeing all the blooms...*sigh*... Happy weekend ((HUGS))

  16. Hi darling,
    That is just too funny you named the Heron, we have one that returns each year, not sure if it's the same one or not... Beautiful shots..
    hugs ~lynne~

  17. oh hello Harry!
    and to all the bright colors
    of your life...hello!
    a weekend of wonder to you,

  18. It's good to see Harry again! And those spring flowers! Such beautiful, bright, happy colors.

  19. How wonderful, that Harry back is! Unbelievable, how far they flew on their way back.
    Your Easter flowers look great!
    Here we have really April weather....sun, warmth,rain, storm, snow, hail, something from everything.
    Best wishes

  20. I always walk in the park close to my home here in Denmark, and yesterday I saw the heron here too. This one was also very alert, but in time it will get use to all the people in the park. I hope it will find a mate soon... ;-)


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