The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tags to Touch the Heart!

It seems like eons ago when I started making ATCs and swapping with new friends online. Then I was introduced to tags -- and I fell in love!

There's something about the size of a tag -- bigger than an ATC (as big as you like to make them, I suppose!), smaller than a card.

It can have purpose -- a piece to hang, a bookmark, or (what a concept!) use as a tag!

These are a few of the recent ones. There's a little love in the air...

A nod to the cat friends in my life...

A nostalgic look back at childhood...

A glittery branch from one of the trees up north...

Homage to a favorite children's book...

And, of course, Paris!

Look for Paris posts -- coming in May to The Marmelade Gypsy! Meanwhile, check out Chopsticks and Strings for my latest book posts!


  1. Love, love, love...but then again, I think I'm biased when it comes to tags. :) So many types and so many uses.
    Have a great day.

  2. what is it about
    beautiful little bites
    of art,
    like sweet fluffy cupcakes,
    that make my heart swoon so:)
    love, love, love.

  3. Love, love, love these. I wish I had your creativity!

  4. I really like these....especially the bookmarks. There is something special to me about a beautiful handmade bookmark. If I were to become a collector that might be what I would collect.

  5. These tags would be so cool for Don's jars of jam! :-)

  6. These are all so beautiful - and I am sure it's no surprise to you that the Paris one is my favorite! ;)

    I have been thinking about you all day... Hope Gypsy is doing ok...

  7. it's been so long since i made ATC's or guess what i want to do now ??? and i brought some of my artsy stuff with me here to play with :)

  8. Will my comment be a tag-line? I like your tags very much - they make me want to go make some.

  9. These are sooo, sooo PRETTY, Jeanie! I love the variety of materials you use--such depth, texture and rich sensation...beautiful little works of art! Having been doing some ATCs a while, I'm a bit hooked on working in miniature format now. ;o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

  10. These are just beautiful. I am unfamiliar with ATCs---Don't know wat they are and I am not familia with "tags" that as it may----They are really lovely!

  11. Your tags are so beautiful.
    I would love to try something similar but am having trouble locating blank tags.
    I shan't give up!

  12. Beautiful works of art!! I like every single one of them the green one with the Eiffel Tower in particular.

  13. All the buttons, ribbon, and cutouts combine into something unique, my friend. Hope all is well at your house. (Gypsy?)

  14. I love tags too and yours are extra special.

  15. Awh,,Sweet Gypsy! I am glad he is feeling better. My two Furbabies are getting really old too. Lady Brat is almost blind but she is still frisky and loves to go on walks with me.
    Carlita Kitty has slowed down a lot too and spends most of her time indoors but still likes to go out for some exploring in the woods behind our house.
    I LOVE your Vday tags and the Book for Rick.


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