The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Summer Wrap Up

Sally recently had a fun post where she recapped her summer in photos. Lisa had one, too! So, I thought I'd better take a stab at it! (Not that my life is so exciting, but frankly, it's fun for me to recap -- might bore the rest of you to tears!)

Much of the summer was spent on the road, often heading to the lake!

We started out the summer early in June, cleaning the cottage, but the fun began around the Fourth of July. We had a ringside seat for the fireworks display on the lake.

I also enjoyed meeting Rick over at Central Lake for our annual July 4 picnic, this year accompanied by my friend Jane.

My friends Lin and Larry stopped by for lunch at the lake -- a visit all too short!

Cousin time is always good! David and Bonnie enjoyed a week at the lake.

Cousin Howard celebrated his birthday there...

...and Cousin Patty came in September.

I had fun meeting up with Rick and his bike buddies in Mackinac City over Labor Day weekend...

I confess, I often coveted my neighbor's pink chairs.

There were lots of good sunsets on the beach this summer, too.

Howard wasn't the only one with the birthday. We celebrated Rick's with a sail...

...and mine with a surprise party!

And yes, there was time for some art, too!

And time for antiquing, of course!

Of course, I didn't always stay close to home. The summer started with a trip to Chicago to meet bloggers Diana (Oh) and Kerry (Qugrainne).

Then there was a trip to Milwaukee for the NETA board meeting and I got to see my public TV pal (and creative lady!) Maryanne!

I took the ferry on what might have been the most glorious day of the summer!

Soon after, we hit the road again, first for Cleveland and a visit with the cousins...

...then Myrtle Beach...

...and finally Sugar Mountain, NC, near Boone. We enjoyed a wonderful afternoon canoeing on the New River.

On the way home from the South, we stopped to see Rick's aunts and cousins!

We wrapped up our last trip from the lake with a stop to see Kevin, visiting his Miss Molly, as we made our way home.

And there it was -- back to the work world. And glad to have it.

But I'll still hold those sunsets in my heart! (And maybe even catch a few more this fall!)

NOTE: I'm finally posting about some of the many books I read over the summer at Chopsticks and String. Right now, the delightful "Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt" by Beth Hoffman.


  1. A very fun recap of you summer, Jeanie. I love that you had so many good times with family in different places.
    Oh, those pink would hard not to covet them.

  2. Well you had a GREAT summer
    better than mine ;)
    It looks all so fantastic
    but you deserved it all :)
    Amazing post ....
    hugs from us all
    cuddle for Gypsy from
    Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<

  3. What a lovely recap of your summer. I don't blame you, I would covet those pink chairs too. And people time all year long is the very best.

  4. Looks like you had a wonderful summer and the photos are a great way to preserve the memories!

  5. Enjoyed your recap! Glad you had some fun times and made some great memories!

  6. I love the red lighthouse! Nice idea to recap the summer. I should do same, but have too many other ideas for blogging at the moment.

  7. Great post!!!! Happy Fall from hot Texas!!!

  8. Love the summer recap, Jeanie. Nice warm memories to keep you cozy and toasty for the approaching winter.

  9. Wonderful photos and memories. I hope you get some lovely autumn sunsets, too.

  10. Love your smile and liked seeing your recaps of the summer. Can you believe it's over already? (Let's hope we can do it again next year!)

  11. Gorgeous summer retrospective -- looks to me like you had a wonderful time! Let's hope our summer weather isn't done already ... I'm not ready yet for winter!

  12. I can't believe this is only a "summer retrospective" - how did you get so much activity into three months?!

    I'm glad you had such good times - fun to see the photos, especially from all those places I've never been!

  13. Oh, Jeanie - what great pictures and that one of you and Rick at Myrtle Beach is WONDERFUL! and so sweet of you to include your bloggie friends!!!!! Miss you - could use a lovely evening on a porch with a cup of tea and some conversation.
    Fall is pressing in and knocking leaves all over the place as well.
    So it's especially glorious to see summer in these pictures - what fun!!!!

  14. I so enjoyed the recap of your summer, Jeanie, and all the beautiful pictures including some lovely ones of you! Did the Gypsy accompany you on your travels? Sure wish we could take our three along with us. We're ending our summer with a special treat -- a trip to Maui and our next door neighbor is caring for our cats in the meantime. We miss them so much! Otherwise, our trip is wonderful!

  15. Isn't it fun to put it all together like that and see everything you've done, all the happy times and good memories?

    This is a treasure of a post, and one you'll probably come back to in the dead of winter :)

    BTW, love the new blog background - very nice!

  16. thanks for sharing all of that
    summertime richness!

  17. oh poor Gypsy in the's all uphill from there...FUN summertime you carved out for yourself dear Jeanie!


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