The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, August 5, 2011

At the Lake, Not On It!

I often share my lake sunsets with you, partly because I love them so much myself. But there is more to being up north than a lake and a setting sun. My walks take me past lots of cottages with some lovely flowers. These tiger lilies seem to be wild. I suspect not -- just artful planning.

Speaking of art, the lily itself is a work of art -- a glorious splash of color and texture.

The Queen Anne's lace is a favorite for me. More often than not, the blooms are dried for the next project.

Even those that have faded have their own lovely shape.

And of course what I call the "wheaty weeds" have a splendid grace.

One of the neighbors has a splendid hydrangea bush.

I couldn't resist the detail, with the hostas peeking through.

And then there are the berries. We'll talk about the "Eulahberries" in another post. But wild raspberries, tiny indeed, abound.

Of course, I couldn't take you on a lake visit without two of my favorite companions. Biker Rick is always read to ride off into the sunrise, sunset or anything in-between.

But Mr. Gyps has something to say about that!

And when the Gypsy talks, I listen!

(This is yet another in a series of preset posts. I'll be checking in with you soon! Thanks for coming by!)


  1. Thanks for sharing the peace and beauty of your time at the lake, Jeanie! Gorgeous pictures! But of course my favorites are the ones of Mr. Gyps!

  2. Beautiful photos. I also love Queen Anne's Lace.

  3. Yes, we definitely must listen when our orange marmalade boys talk. Lovely walk by the flowers at the lake.

  4. thanks for the splash of gorgeous
    that is your artful life!
    soaking it in,

  5. Beautiful flower shots! You are good at stopping and 'smelling the roses' as they say. I have tried to be better at noticing my surroundings, and appreciating them, vs. rushing from one place to the next!!

  6. Queen Anne's lace and wild raspberries. Two of my favorite things. Thanks for sharing them!

  7. What wonderful flowers... and your photos are all so sharp! I must ask you what kind of camera you took them with. Good to know you're having a great time... I'm sure we'll have the chance to see more lovely pics in the coming posts. ;)

  8. More beautiful photos! I love Queen Anne's lace too. Does the Gypsy travel well?

  9. These flowers are among my favorites - lilies, hydrangeas and Queen Ann's lace. Beautiful!


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