The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Art and Paris!

I told you I did some art at the lake! I actually pulled together a fair amount of cards to restock my inventory and some tags for Karla's Birdsong Swap.

(Karla does the best swaps. Ever.)

But since it's Paris in July and my Parisian posts have been woefully lacking, I thought today I'd share three cards with a Parisian theme.

Truth be told, I'm not sure I'm so crazy about the third one. I'm not sure it's done. I think it needs a little something... we'll see what that little something is!

Paris in July is a wonderful blog event. Visit links on Thyme for Tea and Bookbath. They have lots of links on their right sidebars! You can also revisit one of my favorite books about one of my favorite French Impressionists, Renoir, here on Chopsticks and String.


  1. Dear Jeanie

    I love your Paris cards!
    Am I allowed to make a suggestion for your third card?
    You could add the words Paris Couture in rich art nouveau lettering.

    Happy Bastille Day.


  2. They're beautiful. Funny, I favor the last one.

  3. lovely collages Jeanie...I rather like the round stamps you used in the first two creations as a certain little something added :)


  4. Beautiful work, Jeanie. I love how you use your summer lakeside retreats as an opportunity to reconnect with your artistic pursuits. Seems like a great way to refresh mind, heart, and body.

    P.S. I liked them all!

  5. I like the collages a lot. I like the lady with the tower, but perhaps it needs just a bit. Not much because I love how she almost steps out of the collage. Simplicity is good with her.

    I'm reading "The Greater Journey." It is really making me want to go to Paris again.

  6. JC, these are just lovely! I think the woman should be holding a small jewel or some such thing in her hand. Or a jewel on the Tower would be cool, too. Nice work. I want them.

  7. Love the cards. I actually think with just a small something added to the third card, it would be my favorite. Maybe a postage mark? Just something small, but I do like it alot.

  8. Those cards are beautiful! Love them!

    I did a Paris post today! I would like to do 1-2 more, but this month is slipping away from me!!

  9. What a gift you have, Jeanie! I absolutely loved your cards. I'm so happy you shared them with us.

  10. My goodness these are wonderful! Sadly for me, I now have a burning desire to go to Paris and my budget will not allow for this, I'll just have to be content with looking at your collages ;)

  11. These are beautiful and elegant Paris collages, Jeanie! Art and Paris, they are synonymous. Thanks for sharing!


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