The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, June 13, 2011

Who ARE These People?

I've been MIA a bit for a lot of reasons (work and weekend related). Here's one reason why I didn't post anything this weekend!

Who are these people? Some of you might know!

And, with a little luck, in a day or so, I'll have a post about where we are and why!


  1. wherever you have been, and whoever these friends may be... looks like you've been having a good time! Looking forward to hearing about it all!

  2. Oh my gosh - that is OM to your left, isn't it! Ahh! That is so cool. I can't wait to hear where you are and what you are doing!!!

  3. Where ever you are, enjoy your time. I look forward to hearing all about it.

  4. Whoever they are, you all look happy!

  5. You are in the middle

    Enjoy fullest !!!!!!!
    Girlstime is always so GREAT

  6. Ah! so funn/strange to see self! But we ARE having such a good time!


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