The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, June 17, 2011

Pink Fantasy

How could I resist taking photo after photo of these coleus?

Some of the leaves were so large, they were like elephant ears!

Others so detailed, their veins seeming almost anatomical.

The colors dazzled me. While I was fond of all the colors... was the many shades of pink and green I found simply dazzling.

Now, the question you may ask...

How many of these made it into my shopping cart?

Alas! None! If only they were perennials!

NOTE: Please visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for more Pink on this Pink Saturday! AND, if you're a book fan, read about "Home Is Where the Wine Is" on my book blog, Chopsticks and String!)


  1. Such gorgeous leaves! The first picture is of Callidium. I hope I spelled that correctly. lol! I planted so many bulbs and not one has come up! :( They are perennials and are supposed to come up each year, but the ones I purchased in pots did not....Maybe this plant just does not like me!!

  2. I love love these plants, They are gorgeous, Happy pink Saturday

  3. You did a wonderful, close-up job on this plants. Very pretty.

  4. So pretty! I have a fondness for brightly colored leafy plants.

  5. Oh so pretty, and they just shout summer to me.

  6. I love them but don't do well growing them. I love the colorfulness ...
    Have a beautiful PS weekend.
    TTFN ~

  7. Those are gorgeous!! As a pink lover, I adore them!!

  8. I think that
    coleus is often
    overlooked at
    the nursery. They
    are such a beautiful
    mystery; part leaf,
    part flower. Lovely
    images, Jeanie!
    xx Suzanne

  9. Your caladium and coleus pics are stunners Jeanie!!! Really gorgeous...I have grown both...the hardest part is picking one or two have good will power !
    Happy weekend to you and yours!

  10. great photos ... there is something cooling about caladiums and intriguing about coleus.
    Love your ginger gypsy. We have two, a brother and sister someone threw away in a shoebox. We can't imagine them not being around now.

  11. I love these two colors together!!

  12. Love them all!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. You know, I think it was quite genius of you to take photos of these beautiful, interesting coleus leaves. You provided a treat for our eyes, and you had the satisfaction of recording their uniqueness through photography, all without spending a cent. Sometimes when buying flowers, I think I get all caught up in the moment of marveling over the feast of the eyes and think I must buy what I am seeing so I can take it all home with me. Now, I see that is not true. I can just take photos.

    I do love coleus. It is so interesting. I bought a few plants this year, but actually had a hard time finding the variety that you found.

  14. They are gorgeous. I have coleus in a basket on my front porch right now. I do love them! Hard to pick... I agree!

  15. Wonderful leaves!! The nature is often absolutly great, isn`t it?
    Are you okay??
    My best friend from Berlin was in my house for one week so I hadn`t got time for my blog.But now I will read all your other wonderful and interesting posts.

  16. Ohhhh,,,I Love Caladiums and Coleus,,,and you know I have some of both in my yard. I pot my coleus up in the fall and bring into the greenhouse. But I just buy new caladiums every year. Love them!

  17. Love coleus in the garden for adding color. There are so many varieties.

  18. *swoon*... pink is have fave color--so loving this vibrant parade, Jeanie! :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))


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