The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Few of my Chicago Favorites

Before I wrap up the Chicago posts (there's one more after this!) I wanted to share a few of my favorite views and art from my time with Diana and Kerry in the Windy City!

Starting close to home, the interesting flowers in the planter outside of our hotel. We never could figure out if they were real or not!

Loved the take-off on the Paris Metro signs for Chicago's Metra System.

These Segway guys -- never seen so many segways in my life. (Have I seen any?)

Art Institute favorites -- it's odd, taking pix of masterpieces, but I have to say it saves on the postcard purchases!

Love Renoir. Period. This is called "Two Sisters," but they weren't really sisters.

Love this of the poppy fields near Giverny by Monet.

The religious art dazzles. So many lovelies to share, but I'll show you this detail. I don't remember the artist.

While we're on the subject of art, an unexpected stained glass exhibit at Navy Pier intrigued all of us.

I loved this Tiffany...

...and was entranced by these four panels by Mucha depicting goddesses of the four seasons.

Here's a bit of detail. Simply gorgeous.

This couple we named "Twister." They were on the same bus as we were en route to Navy Pier, though they got off much earlier. The girl clutched a "Twister" game box and when they left, the guy asked us for a quarter. We never thought we'd see them again, but on the way home, our bus pulled up at a stop and there they were!

Loved the rapt attention of this fellow watching Carl Weathersby at the Chicago Bluesfest.

And this sculptural addition to the fountain was handsome in the light.

Next time I'll share a few things I saw in Chicago after Di and Kerry headed out! Meanwhile, stop by Chopsticks and String for a look at "Home is Where the Wine Is," a very funny book that includes knitting patterns!


  1. so many magical and wonderful sights Jeanie...thank you for sharing...really lovely getaway you had
    Happy first day of summer!

  2. What a beautiful post, Jeanie. I love the photos and what a fun trip you've had meeting up with other bloggers, from virtual to real! And after seeing your pictures of all the art, as I left my comments on oh's blog, Jeanie, you must see the Woody Allen movie "Midnight In Paris". I'm sure you'll find some warm connections with what you've seen in the windy city.

  3. Fun to see more pics of Chicago. When we were there, those Segway guys cracked me up for some reason.

  4. Great pictures, Jeanie -- and a wonderful reminder of why Chicago is one of my favorite cities. Love those candids you caught with people in them... that can be hard to do!

  5. Swooning over
    all of that
    That is rich,
    just rich:)
    Wonderful share.

  6. Love seeing all your photos! The art photos are my favs especially the Tiffany and Mucha....beautiful!!

  7. Beautiful photos! I saw the tourists on the Segway tours last summer when I was in Chicago: dangerous, I think!

    Suggestion -- when I take a photo of a painting or sculpture in a museum, I also photograph the label. Digital cameras are so unrestricting!

    I just posted my best flower photos at, giving you credit as an inspiration... mae

  8. Great shots. Looks like lots of fun. My Guy is from Chicago and I hope we can get there some day soon.
    Have a fun day and enjoy each moment.

  9. How fun to share the time with friends in Chicago and the share the viewing of beautiful art. Fun photo of the Twisters too.

  10. I love Chicago...and wish my daughter still lived there! In fact, I have some of the same stained glass pics you shared from Navy Pier! I used the Christmas-themed piece for a Christmas card for family:). Fabulous. Thanks for the walk down memory lane!

  11. Thanks for letting me go with you for a little while on your trip ~ your pictures are so wonderful! I'm glad you had such a good time! (I enjoyed your narrative especially the "twister couple" seems there are always those memorable moments)

  12. Love the pics! I had never seen the Paris-inspired metra stop - too cool!! Love that!

    The stained glass display at Navy Pier is amazing!

    Looks like such a fun trip. I can't wait to head back to Chicago eventually! I will likely be there this fall as my SIL is having a baby in September. Have you ever toured the Frank Lloyd Wright studio in Oak Park? That is a GREAT thing to do, esp after reading "Loving Frank"!!

  13. Chicago is one of my favorite cities and I love your photos of it.

  14. These are beautiful details to contemplate. There are just so many pieces in the Art Institute I have not seen. I want to go back in August when we go to Lollapalooza for Lord Huron!

    I had not heard about the Metra, and that it has those art deco wrought iron designs like Paris! Fabulous.

    I once saw a Segway in East Lansing! I was doing East Lansing Daily Photo at the time, and I saw a guy standing still on one, talking to another guy who wasn't on one, right on Grand River on a sidewalk. It's one of my big regrets that I didn't drum up the nerve to ask if I could take their picture. Can you believe I didn't? I so would now.

  15. Thanks, JC, for providing me with some vicarious travel to one of my favorite cities. Love the spouting fountain.

  16. Thanks so much for the glimpse of Chicago and the Art Institute treasures! It brought up a real sense of nostalgia. I went to college and my first bout of grad school in the Chicago area (Northwestern) and spent a lot of time exploring downtown, the Art Institute and the museums. I absolutely love that city and it was so great to have a virtual trip back!

  17. It’s a surprise to see the metro sign in Chicago, do you think they just copied it or did they buy the artwork from France?


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