The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Of Mothers, Knitting and Memories

My mom would be 93 today.

She died when she was 58. I have tons of photos from our years as a family. We always took a lot of pictures -- she and dad were amateur photographers, right down to the darkroom in the basement. But the photos I love most are those from long ago. Especially those taken during her childhood summers at the lake.

This might be my favorite -- Mom, on the left in front, with her three sisters. She's laughing so hard -- she always laughed. And I have seen myself laugh exactly the same way.

There was always a camera at the lake. Lots of kid pictures...(this is her younger sister Grace).

But when she and her best friend Fran were older, they'd dress up and take pictures of each other on the beach.

Mom and Fran would knit their clothes -- Mom made this one!

(I don't know about you, but if I had knit this dress with the angora on top, I wouldn't have posed sitting in the sand.)

Even on a picnic they wore hats. (She would have been great at the Royal Wedding!)

It was a different time -- a time when women wore skirts at the lake, for one thing.

And oh, how I wish I'd picked her brain more on all these stories while she was still here to tell them.

Soon, soon, soon it will be summer. And I know the first person I will visit -- as I do each year -- is Fran, who will tell me more stories -- and remind me of my mom. I can't wait.

NOTE: One thing my mom loved as much as I did was a good Broadway musical and while she died before Stephen Sondheim hit his stride, she was fond of shows like "Gypsy," "West Side Story," "Follies" and "Company." She would have loved "Finishing the Hat," which I'm talking about over at Chopsticks and String. Please check it out!


  1. This is a lovely tribute post for your Mom.
    You are lucky to have such a lot of wonderful photo.
    Thanks for sharing your memories!

  2. So sweet is this Jeanie... Love that portrait of your Mom at the top. That sweater wit the angora is beautiful! I think I was born in the wrong time...I wish had been around during the heyday of hats, gloves, etc. Thank you for sharing. :o)

  3. Oh so young, Jeanie. What a shame, what a sadness. It's good to see you celebrate her, and that beautiful laugh, which you celebrate every time you echo her!


  4. beautiful the way you honor
    your very beautiful.

  5. Jeanie, to know you is to know just how fabulous your parents must have been -- such a wonderful legacy! It's amazing to me how, in each post you've written about them, something new is illuminated. Beautiful pictures... and that great laugh. Yes, just like yours.

  6. What a treasury of great photos!

  7. What a beautiful post, Jeanie. I can see so much of you in your mom. She looked like someone who had a zest for life - I love that photo where she is laughing!

    I always wish that I had asked more questions and been more inquisitive when the special people I've lost were still in my life...

  8. What wonderful photos.
    They are true treasures.
    Sweet memories.

  9. What great photos! You look like your mom....I can see it in that first photo and also the one where she's laughing. Now I know where you get your beautiful smile!

  10. What a lovely post. I, too love to look at old family pictures and these are so evocative of another time. Love that your mom knitted, mine sewed and I have memories of her sewing our outfits, her own clothing, including some lovely ball gowns she did elaborate beadwork on. (sigh) sounds like you miss yours as much as I do mine. Again, a beautiful tribute.

  11. I love, love, love those pictures. How lucky you are to have so many. I wish I could just step into that photo of the cottage on the lake. Less complicated times.

    You mother was lovely.

  12. Hi Jeanie, What a special tribute to your mother. I do believe you have her smile! Enjoy your weekend - I'm also sending a scratch behind the ears for Gypsy with this comment...

  13. Jeanie,

    Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos of your mother and her family. These are priceless, aren't they? And I can see you in your mom's smile... just compare your photo in the current post with those here. Thank you for sharing with us an intimate tribute to your mom... especially meaningful this Mother's Day. Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Your pictures are so wonderful and really showcase life back then! This was such a fabulous post ~ I so adored reading it and getting to know your beloved mom. Happy Weekend!

  15. Oh, I loved looking at these on this Mother's Day evening :) Your mom was so beautiful, and yes, I definitely see her reflection in your smile and laughter!

  16. These photos of your mother are priceless! Just ask Ruth how in love I am with lakes and cottages beside lakeshores. I'm sad that you lost your mother at such a young age. Life is never the same after that, is it? I was 34 when my mom died (1987) and I'm still getting over it. I'm glad that you have your mom's best friend to fill you up with lovely stories. Friends can fill in gaps that family members can't.

    Hugs from one motherless child to another. :)

  17. Enjoyed seeing the lovely photos of your Mom and reading some of her story. Hard to lose them when it seems before their time. How sweet it is that you can talk to her friend and hear more about their life in the good old days!

  18. Such a truly beautiful post dear Jeanie...thank you for sharing these sweet memories with us. The pictures are treasures plain and simple. Just so lovely...


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