The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mad About Magnolias

Today is Pink Saturday!

Join me on a journey through the land of fleeting magnolia blooms!

Flowers on each tree. Mad about magnolias. Pink, perfect blossoms.

Spring finally arrives. Magnolias are in flower. I'm so filled with joy.

Blue sky. Pink blooms. Sun. Springtime days are beautiful. How brief it will be.

One day on the tree. The next, they rest on the ground. Gently falling. Gone.

Shooting photos rocks! A dark, dramatic background. With the help of Picassa.

Please visit Beverly's site to link to more posts filled with pink! I'm sure there are some flowers there, too!

(And by the way, if you enjoy books, stop by my other blog, Chopsticks and String, for a look at "Americans In Paris: Life and Death Under Nazi Occupation." Not really a light, magnolia-sort of book, but excellent.)


  1. Beautiful Magnolia tree...I lost mine a couple of years ago in a severe drought we were having so its wonderful to see someone elses.

  2. beautiful !!! i love pink this time of year !

  3. Nothing more beautiful than a tree like this in full bloom. Such a pretty pink post.

  4. Oh, magnolia blossoms....they look gorgeous! I like that carpet of petals under the tree.

  5. Beautifully captured exquisite florals, Jeanie. So love the magnolia.

    Have a beautiful PINK weekend.
    TTFN ~

    5 day GIVEAWAY, pop over

  6. Love the magnolias. All the blossoms seem to be over quickly this spring.

  7. Your blooms are magnificent! My magnolia is already done here and is all green. Hope you have a wonderful Pink Saturday!!

  8. Jeanie, thanks for stopping by. I've been absent long enough! Now the semester is over I can flex my writing and photography to my heart's content! I love your pink and have been wanting one for my own yard. My Japanese cherry and tulips look good though! I just put up a photo!

  9. Oh Jeanie, magnolia blossoms always remind me of my grandmother, Nanny. My favorite thing to do was play amidst the magnolia blossoms in her yard. I loved holding those beautiful blooms in my hands. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Terri

  10. Love magnolia blooms (My mother has two magnolia trees with white) and your pink blossoms are absolutely gorgeous!

    So happy to find your blog. Please stop by and visit me!

    Happy PS!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  11. I, too, have noticed how especially beautiful the magnolias are this year!

  12. Oh beautiful!!! As a lover of all things pink, I adore these photos! I don't think we have magnolias around where i live, but i always love the apple blossoms, which can be pink depending on the tree. I hate when they lose their flowers, but it is still beautiful to see a petal-covered ground beneath the tree!

  13. Sometimes the most fleeting is the most precious. I loved seeing your pink blooms, Jeanie. PS I'll wave to you at the start of the race!

  14. How very beautiful your Magnolia tree is full of all those flowers.

  15. What an abundance of beauty! Mmmmmm.

  16. Oh my goodness, all your posts this past week have me turning green with envy! How very beautiful and how wonderful that you can walk and see all these wonderful sights of nature. As for you ouch, I'm right there with you, the longer I live, the more my body complains about what I do to it! Thanks for sharing these all week.

  17. Just found your blog. Have to tell you, I think I have the Gypsy's CA cousin at my house. Right down to the spots on his nose, though not so many. Beautiful magnolias, beautiful cat!

  18. I love magnolias pretty! :)

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

  19. Gorgeous photos! Those kind of magnolias have long ago bloomed and gone away here in the sunny south, but the other kind of magnolias that we are known for are just now coming into bloom. They give off such a heavenly scent.

  20. Gorgeous. Beyond gorgeous. Our mags here are white. I've seen very few pinks and when I do, they are very young trees. The mature ones are all over campus but they are white.

  21. jeanie, I've never seen pink magnolias. Ours are white, the blooms often as big as dinner plates. And the leaves come before the blooms.

    I know there are varieties - the Grateful Dead sang a song called "Sugar Magnolia". I'll have to go see what our varieties are called!

  22. We have both types of magnolias here and I love them. The pink one blooms early and doesn't last long, but it's gorgeous while it does.

  23. I adore these trees, and hate it when the rain takes all the blossoms away in one fell swoop. The photos are gorgeous!

  24. These are beautiful. I just love all the pink blooms in the Spring. Since it's too late for a Pink Saturday, I hope you have a Happy Pink Week!


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