The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, May 9, 2011

Back to the Ditch

In a futile attempt to spot Harry the Heron again, I still enjoyed a springtime walk to the ditch. Along the way, spring is really beginning to burst in my little world. Magnolia trees are blooming.

I just love these bright pink flowers and ripe buds.

Soon, they'll be a puddle of petals beneath green branches; right now they are simply lovely.

People are getting flowers put out -- nothing too radical, but a few hardy ones.

Even a neighborhood cat seems content to be outside.

At the ditch, it's quiet, at least colorwise. Even the pigeon -- or is it a dove? -- is a soft gray-brown.

He and his mate seem content to look for treats in the dried grasses.

There are dog walkers and contemplative walkers, all taking in the last cloudy evening before ten days of rain are scheduled.

Flowering trees are beginning to burst.

The periwinkle was purple and plentiful...

...while the grape hyacinths looked almost good enough to eat!

And while the photo is poor, the song of this red-winged blackbird was indeed sweet.

Back at home, the narcissus are out...

...and so, too, are the pansies.

Yes, spring does seem to be coming to my world.


  1. Your happy spring pictures are just lovely! You seem to be a week or so behind us here in central Ohio. We were thrilled here this Mother's Day weekend to have three male and one female rose-breasted grosbeaks and a male scarlet tanager at our feeders, getting their bellies full before winging their way farther north. We only get them passing through. We also saw a pileated woodpecker. It was an excellent birding weekend! :)

  2. don't you just love spring walks....i can't get enough of them !!!

  3. What lovely photos, sounds like a wonderful walk! Here in Florida it gets too darn hot for these types of walks, although DH and I were walking a good 3 miles in the winter, the temperatures were wonderful 50's to 70's! Now it's humid with very high temps and we sit inside with the a/c on. So looking at your pix I almost feel as if I've enjoyed this walk!

  4. Great shots! Very professional!

  5. Beautiful photographs, just the thing to lift the mood on a wet May day.

  6. Finally! I know you're happy to see some color, and what beautiful color it is. I don't think they should ever forecast 10 days of rain. Some people just can't take it. Let them find out as it comes. :)

    Oh, and where's that pig. He should be donning his spring apparel soon.

    Oh, and thank you, thank you for the note cards. They're beautiful. I'm posting about them this morning. Thank you, Jeanie!

  7. beautiful, cooling images
    ...thanks for the splash
    of Spring!

  8. Jeanie, all these photos are gorgeous but when I saw the grape hyacinths I just sighed. They're spectacular!

    Ten days of rain! I hope the weather man is wrong but if not at least you will be assured of more flowers.

  9. Great photos! I'm sure we'll be looking back at them loningly next winter.

  10. Hello my friend Jeanie,
    I am so sorry that I you didn`t hear anything from me for such a long time but I was in Berlin and had a blog break for some weeks...At the moment I have got so much work that I don`t find time for anything...
    I love the pictures of your springtime..wonderful flowers!!..We have got at least 6 weeks marvellous weather and today it was 30° hot as in summer but gradually it becomes too dry and our farmers must water their fields which is very expensive.....We urgently need rain....
    I send you my best wishes

  11. Your photos are just beautiful. It is interesting to see how early or late in season different parts of the country are. Our early spring flowers are long past blooming. We are in a serious drought. We had no snow to speak of this past winter and are in need of rain.

    I love the magnolias! It must be heavenly to see all of them in bloom.

  12. Now, those were magnificent photos. We are probably about a week or two behind you but it sure is getting lovely out there. I can't get enough walks it.

  13. We don't have Magnolia trees here and I really love them. I loved seeing your pics of the Magnolias and the other spring blossoms.

  14. I never tire of seeing flowers and trees and Mother Nature!
    thank you for sharing these lovely views!
    word verification: flopin LOL

  15. Another post of beautiful photos! I bet doing these posts really makes you stop and appreciate the beauty around you! There are not many flowers around me so it's fun to see the flowers/budding trees that you see. For some reason, people in my neighborhood just aren't into planting flowers!


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