The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Everybody Loves a Love Story

Everybody loves a love story, and I'd like to think that William and Kate (oops, Catherine) are indeed a love story.

To paraphrase Diana's remark about towels, Kate can't back out -- her face is on the shortbread tins!

My friend Carol and I, like so many people, got up long before dawn. I'd made scones the night before -- two wonderful versions: Blueberry...

And Ginger. (Two new recipes for my challenge and both from the America's Test Kitchen book I mentioned in an earlier post. Excellent in every way.)

I dipped strawberries and candied ginger...

And pulled out the jams, chocolate, lemon bread, silver and girly plates.

Of course I had to bring out the pretty sugars my friend Cathy gave me from Crown and Crumpet.

After all, what can be more fun than taking the day off to watch a British occasion with your friend and cook like crazy. (All right... not everyone's cup of tea...but definitely mine!)

The house was suitably decorated.

Yes, those are Charles and Diana slippers.

We enjoyed our favorite moments.

They looked good and most of all they looked happy.

We were happy, too.

Dressed to the nines -- in hats, just happy to be having fun.

How very jolly!


  1. Hi Jeanie. I was in attendance as well but not nearly so fancy. No goodies. No hat. Coffee kept me toasty warm. Krista flaked out and didn't get up. Luckily for her, mum recorded all five hours worth. What a wonderful event and the return to Buckingham Palace was the ultimate parade. After ten years together and still so very happy, I think they have an excellent shot at lifelong happiness.

  2. I love this post. You really went all out and it looks like you had such a fun time. All your efforts paid off I'm sure. You look fabulous dawling in your hat. Have a great weekend, Jeanie. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  3. Wow - you really did go all out. While I love a tea party, I'm not so much into the Royals. But no hard feelings here - obviously Australian's have a different relationship with the Royals to what you guys would experience. Good on you - Love the hats and tea cups...

  4. Ginger scones sound so tasty. I love that you celebrated. Your party looks like great fun. I went to a jewelry and scarf trunk show and they had finger sandwiches,strawberries and champagne out - and a cake that said Congratulations William and Kate; so I went to a celebration party without having to do any planning. I think looking at the hats (and fascinators?) was one of my favorite things about the TV coverage.

  5. Oh fun!! I love that you got dressed to the nines and had a proper breakfast celebration. How fun! I actually do not know anyone who did anything for the Roayl Wedding, which is too bad as I love a good excuse to dress up! And maybe buy a fab hat!

    I thought the wedding was beautiful. Kate was just stunning. Love her dress. Very remniscent of Princess Grace's dress. I LOVED her MOH's dress, though - that is something I could see myself wearing if I ever got married!

  6. What a wonderful party you had while you enjoyed the wedding. Love your style!

    I loved the wedding also. I was not as ambitious as you. I stayed in bed to watch until 6:00 a.m. when I got up to put the finishing touches on a breakfast I had for my international students.

  7. What a wonderful British party you had! :)

  8. I LOVE it!!!! You are toooooooo fab! I stayed up last night until 3 a.m. watching the wedding (I taped it). How spectacular. I am still weepy. <3

  9. Loved how you marvellous, the hats, the tea cups and scones, fabulous darling....

    (one bit of advice, for when you get your a royal invite in the future....don't forget the pinkie when holding a teacup...)

    I think you should be an honorary Brit now x

  10. This is just the best wedding party ever! And there I was on the couch in my nightgown and slippers, without even combing my hair! lol

  11. What a delightful post! That must have been so much fun. By the way, that last photo of you is fabulous. You should use that for profile pic.

  12. Oh, my gosh. And I didn't even get up - I just watched some highlights last night. But I'm sending this post directly to a friend in England, just to prove to her that we're not ALL the great unwashed over here!

  13. Lovely party, and wonderful hats, too! And cheers to you for making sure to seize the moment!

  14. You did look fabulous!!! I watched in my robe and slippers!!! It was wonderful!

  15. i loved the wedding, but why is catherine with a C and kate is with a K ?

    oh and i love your hat :)

  16. Just lovely aren't they. I tried to stay up but was too tired so I went to sleep about midnight. But lo and behold, i woke up at 4 am (no alarm, nothing) just in time to catch them going into W. Abbey, what good timing! All your goodies here look just delicious! Lovely photos!

  17. Looks like quite the party! I watched the whole thing, too, but not in such splendor.

  18. What a lovely way to watch the royal wedding. I too, watched the fairy tale wedding from the comfort of home. A truly lovely and romantic occasion.

  19. I also had a special
    friend over and I wore
    a tiara for the affair!
    Wasn't it fun to just
    revel in the goodness of
    the event??? Loved seeing
    your smiling face here!
    xx Suzanne

  20. I went to a party too at 4am! We had lemon scones, tea etc.. The best thing I liked about seeing C&W together is how caring they were to each other. When they got into the carriage and she asked him if he was all right? They are best friends. I know they will make it. Just lovely!

  21. I LOVE it Jeanie! My table was not quite so charming and pretty! I did make a egg casserole, had fresh strawberries, scones & jam and hot tea! Also had a non alcoholic sparkling wine! It was just a beautiful wedding. Is that shortbread tin yours? I have the same one! Got it at a local shop...I am a seriously geeky Royal fan! Anything English sets my heart racing! Thank you for sharing your truly lovely Royal party!
    And you look beautiful too!


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