The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, April 24, 2011

All About the Eggs?

Well, perhaps it's not all about the eggs, but at our house they play a big part in the Easter merriment.

And face it, they are the most color we've seen in April!

Dyeing eggs is an annual tradition with us. We gather with friends Mark and Jan for take-out, dyeing and "Life of Brian."

I can't begin to count the number of years we have done this.

What I love about the whole thing is that the guys get into it as much as the women.

This is one of Rick's eggs (above). I love the swirls. He also received acclaim for making the first "black" egg. The black egg usually comes at the end of the evening. Unphotographed, it remains a memory of the heart!

Jan's eggs took on a pastel flair...

While mine were bright, bright, bright. I don't seem to do pastel well.

We have our own techniques. I do mine hard boiled -- they'll be Easter's deviled eggs.

Rick, on the other hand, does his raw. We'll use his for omelettes.

We're having a packed Easter weekend. Friday's dyeing; a fun lunch Saturday with friends, followed by our first Easter dinner with the kids.

Then Sunday, just us. Hopefully a quiet, creative day.

I don't want to jinx anything but as I write this on Saturday, I think I am seeing some sun. Now that would be a gift!

So, I send to you Easter greetings, if you celebrate Easter, and if you don't, then greetings of spring. Perhaps. At long last.


  1. happy easter jeanie to you and yours.....

  2. What splendid colour. You did a great job. Happy Easter from our home to yours. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  3. Fabulous color, and I love the swirls. I also love your tradition. Happy Easter and Happy Spring!

  4. Those eggs are really artful.
    Love the colors.

    Happy Easter !

  5. Happy Easter darling girl ~ Here's to wishing you many sunshiny days ahead for you! Your eggs are wonderful and so is your post on Relyn's blog. Mine is tomorrow and we kinda choose similar things. I think we may be kindred hearts. Especially when I look at your blog wallpaper ~ it is fabulous! Blessings! Katie

  6. The Easter eggs are a work of art. I loved the variety of ways that were all used to make such beautiful eggs.

    My class of international students and I colored eggs on Friday. I will share photos on Monday. It was a first time adventure for all of them. They loved it. One tried to dye a black egg, but it didn't work. He needs to know Rick's secret.

  7. Love your eggs! Hope you had a joyful day. Dean has been here on vacation for 10 days and we had a lovely Easter with Annie and some friends. The weather finally co-operated :)

  8. I love all of those eggs! How fun! I didn't dye any this year, but I did purchase some fresh eggs from the farmer's market, and they were different hues. I even get excited about those colors!
    Hope you had a hoppy Easter! xo

  9. These are beautiful and it sounds like so much fun. I hope you had a wonderful day on Sunday.

  10. Your Easter eggs are beautiful. I don't think I've ever been able to make any that pretty.

  11. This was the first
    year that we didn't
    color eggs in about
    15, but it was a
    lovely day nonetheless!
    Yours were really like
    little jewels : ) Hope
    it was wonderful!
    xx Suzanne

  12. Great tradition! Hope your Easter was a happy one! BTW, all the eggs are beautiful!

  13. These are so beautiful! And I wouldn't have a clue how to make them. When you give your first egg-dying workshop, I want to come.

    I must say I'm especially fond of the chick. It reminds me of the flowers and such we used to make from Kleenex and bobby pins - carnations, usually. And have you noticed how much the chick's feathers look like the bowl of lettuce you left for the bunnies?

  14. Wow, those Easter eggs are incredibly beautiful!! Works of art, in fact.

    I haven't colored eggs in so many years, but it was one of my favorite things to do as a kid. I can still smell the vinegar in the egg dye :)

  15. Wow! Your easter eggs are beautiful! We dye eggs each year since there are young kids around. ours aren't nearlhy as artistic as yours are, though! But they are beautiful, nonetheless, and the kids have a blast doing it!


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