The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Signs of Spring?

I'm not sure. Some days it feels as though spring is here, others like it's just around the corner and more often, as though it will never arrive.

Signs of spring, though, are arriving in my world...


The return of the blackbirds.

Weather suitable (if chilled) for long walks in a nature spot.

A pussy willow tree...

...bursting into bloom!

Hydrangeas at the market.

Cheery outdoor displays at local shops.

Happy signs...

...and lovely wreaths!

And this -- a rainbow or a sundog?

(It was early morning, very sunny. This was shot in the car as I was driving -- about three blocks later it began to rain. I think it's a rainbow.)

Kicking and screaming, we will drag spring into Michigan, whether it likes it or not!

Don't forget t0 enter my contest at right HERE. It goes until April 1 and prizes are involved! And, if you're up for a look at Nicola Upson's second Josephine Tey mystery, visit Chopsticks and String.


  1. Lovely photos! I'm sooooooooo waiting for spring. Signs of spring sure help! Thanks for that!

  2. The cattail photo is beautiful!

  3. Refreshing sights for winter-parched eyes! And you know, I'm partial to the duckrobatics!

  4. Rainbows are difficult to photograph I think – at least they are for me. I saw several while cruising to Hawaii and I was not pleased with my results. I need to learn to use the Photoshop Element program that my husband gave me for Christmas 2009! Still untouched….

  5. Love the ducks and your signs of spring. Isn't there something wonderful about just being present to notice the signs. I just took a walk in my yard to see what signs I could see. I saw the the lilacs and the cherry trees were beginning to come alive. The grape hyacinths were just beginning to show the promise of blooms soon. I think if we can have a few more sunny days it is going to pop out all over. The birds are chirping, I can hear them right now. The say they have traveled a "miler" or two to get here and they want to see spring. Laughing because "miler" is my word verification here.

  6. Wonderful photos. I'm guessing that spring will be short-lived here and that we're going to drop straight into summer.

  7. I'm counting on spring being in full fling when I get home from Florida on Monday!

  8. the hydrangeas are so warm & inviting and the rainbow so interesting, i've never seen a rainbow so straight??

  9. so you have a rope around little miss spring's neck, too.....maybe if we pull together :)

  10. Spring is coming...just a little more slowly in some areas from all reports
    We were walking thru the muddy forest today checking on our beloved Bluebells...such a splendid sight in the coming weeks
    speaking of splendid sights ... your photos are wonderful...that red winged blackbird is WOW!
    Sending special Spring wishes your way


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