The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Japanese Influence

In my last post I spoke of my love for Japan and its people.

I also love the art and the culture of this amazing country. It has influenced some of my art.

These are some of the ATCs I did some time ago. I've learned a lot about collage and layering since most of them. Still, it was a fine time to revisit them.


  1. Such a heartbreaking time. It is always good to reflect on the beautiful images and art Japan has given us.

  2. My 12 year old
    is crazy for
    anything Japanese
    and my husband has
    colleagues in Japan,
    so this really hit
    home for us. The
    two of them are
    even talking about
    making a trip to
    help with rebuilding
    efforts, once things
    have calmed down and
    there are organizations
    setting up such endeavors.
    Your beautiful ATCs
    are just that ~ lovely.
    Happy Monday, Jeanie!
    xx Suzanne

  3. I said most of what I had to say about the crisis on the previous entry. Here, I'll just say, "Beautiful!"

  4. jeanie,

    I just found this amazing art/life juxtaposition. If the link doesn't "take", I'll email it to you - I never can remember what blogger will and won't allow ;-)

    Information Imitates Art

  5. I admire your art so much. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I really have no words to express how my heart breaks for the people of Japan

    so glad your friends are alright...the pain in their hearts must be all encompassing ...still not the words I am feeling...


  7. Lovely ATCs - full of grace and beauty. My heart cries for the sorrows the Japanese must be feeling now.

  8. beautiful, Jeanie. Thanks for keeping this topic in our minds and hearts.

  9. Beautiful ATCs, Jeanie! Isn't it fun to take out your older artwork and look at it from time to time? You can see how you've grown but also how good you were!

  10. beautiful to see your aceo's and to read of your love for the Japanese.

  11. Beautiful.
    Prayers for all those suffering in Japan.
    Hugs to you.

  12. Fab ATCs and it's so heartbreaking watching the news and seeing the suffering.


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