The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, March 4, 2011

Gypsy and the Visiting Vet

I've written about my Visiting Vet before. She is without doubt, amazing.

And Gypsy likes her too -- although I'm amazed he still does, after our last visit.

Remember when I mentioned that Gypsy had fleas a few months back?

Well, through a number of symptoms related to the fleas, Dr. Anne thought Gypsy might have a tapeworm. And he has been on the constipated side for a bit (oh, great -- I can just hear you clicking to someone else's post right now).

So, she came armed with a pill (easy) and a costume.

The costume (also known as his MSU Spartan-green restraining device) was to prevent Gyp from moving when she filled a syringe with barium and put it in his mouth.

Believe me, I don't think I could have gotten it in him! And after all that, he still liked her! (He's less certain about the Chinese herb he needs to take for digestion every day, but I love the way it smells -- like cumin! Wonder how it is in chili or guac?) He also got a hefty dose of electrolites! Who knew?!

So, we're working on it! Daily life -- sometime you just have a hairball...


  1. Oh, sweet! I have a Dr. Anne, too, only her name is Dr. Julie! We don't use the at-home service anymore; i just take them into the office in the evenings. But after my last trip with two cats and many claw marks on my arms, I may have to go back to that method. They were NOT happy.

    And my almost-17-yr-old Maine Coon hasn't been to the vet in years, because I don't want to go to the hospital again. (Antibiotic IV drip, twice, and two rounds of oral antibiotics prevented the sepsis from killing me.) And Cricket still sleeps behind my head every night. She loves me...I just got between her and another cat. Won't be doin' that again!

    I hope Gypsy is back to her old self soon! I gotta get one of those "restraining devices"!

  2. This is the 2nd blog I've read this morning about a vet visit. We do love out pets, don't we?
    I hope everything "comes out" okay and that he is feeling better.
    I love how bright his eyes look in the picture in his "costume".

  3. How fabulous to have a visiting vet. I have to get in my traveling container, drive in the car and go in a building...then wait for a while before I see my vet. I hope you feel better and get your digestive system back to normal. From you orange tabby cat friend...Rocky

  4. Gypsy is a treasure worth caring for. I love the idea of a visiting vet. My mother once had a wonderful, and very large cat, who would not allow anyone to pick him up. That made taking him to the vet a huge challenge. They would get him onto the bed, quickly throw a blanket over him, gather it up quickly, and carry him to the car. It sure would have been nice to have vet come calling instead.

  5. Oh dear! I need one of those restraining coats to trim Joey's nails. I so hope Gypsy is feeling better very soon. Wonderful to have a visiting doctor and for the doctor to know what to do to help. Take care, Gypsy. You will feel better soon.

  6. I love that first photo of Gypsy. He looks so laid back and relaxed, and then comes the "other stuff"....that last photo reminded me of trying to get medicine into LuLu the last time she was sick. NOT an easy chore!

    I hope Gypsy is feeling better after the visit from Dr Anne.

  7. I could have used the "costume" while giving my children medicine years ago.

  8. "Daily life -- sometime you just have a hairball..." This says it all - I'll be smiling about that all day! (Not about poor Gypsy's "problem" though.)

  9. I hope his herbs do their stuff and he likes them. Love his little green suit almost Halloween like. It must be more comfortable having stuff done at home rather than an impersonal office with funny smells.

  10. You're so lucky to have Dr. Ann - and so is Gypsy, even though he doesn't think so! I like the idea of combining traditional and non-traditional medicine for animals and people.

    Hope he's feeling better soon!

  11. LOL Yep.... sometimes ya just have a hairball. (I'm in Tyler, TX right now.)

  12. I'm impressed... and envious. I think we need a vet who makes house calls. Also a green suit like the Gypsy's, except maybe a little larger, for our rambunctious terrier. Love how it matches Gypsy's beautiful green eyes! Hope he is feeling better soon!

  13. That is awesome that you have a traveling vet! And if Gypsy still liked her after putting that syringe in his mouth? Then wow. She must be a cat whisperer or something!

  14. Oh, Gypsy is so lucky to have a DR. Ann.
    We have to go to the vet and wait there for hours in the boxes.
    Wow, that is a huge syringe with white stuff.
    Hope he´s doing well now!
    We had fleas too and frontline didn´t works anymore against fleas. We now have to use advantage.

    Happy Weekend

  15. Oh, how this makes me miss Anne! As far as I can tell there is no visiting vet here in Santa Fe...and I'm not even sure I like the one vet we have seen. Still shopping.

  16. Oh..oh..
    Poor Gypsy :(
    We all hate the vet
    but its important sad Mommy ;)

    Have a nice week-end
    Kareltje =^.^= ♥ Betsie >^.^<
    Anya :)

  17. i think i'd rather just have a hair ball.....

  18. hoping your sweet kitty kat is right as rain real soon!

    Happy first weekend in March!

  19. Awww, he looks like he's going in for a cut and shave! I love these pictures! Awwww baby! xoxo

  20. Looks like the Gyp got some additional restraints in that last pic. Green t-shirt and and blow and white blanky too.

    Hope all comes out smoothly in the end. Oh ouch! Did I really type that? Am I really going to send that? Hah. You betcha!! TeeHee

  21. Yummy! :-) And what a cute Spartan the Gyp is!


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