The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, February 11, 2011

I Heart Franklin

When visiting Rosemary in Franklin, TN, we window shopped, and while the store window couldn't reveal all the secrets within, it certainly left me much to love.

Like these tin hearts (similar to the ones in the last post)...

I loved the wider view of the display...

And cheery red-and-white arrangement...

The black-and-red shopping cart look...

And my favorite -- the stove!

Now isn't that an oven full of love?

(If you're into mysteries, check out my take on Anne Perry's "No Graves as Yet" on Chopsticks and String.)


  1. Sorry I was too busy the last weeks to visit your blog.
    I missed a lot of interesting posts and have to scroll down later.
    This Shop is wonderful. Love the decoration and the choise.
    These tin hearts are beautiful.
    We don´t celebrate valentines day in Germany not like you in USa but since a few years we can buy some hearts and heartshaped thing here too. I wish they will sell more the next years because I love hearts.
    Wish I can get those wooden signs with Blessing your heart on it.

    You have a great cllection of cooking books. Now I´ll read that post!


  2. This is one of
    the best times
    of the year for
    Lovely colors
    and the best thing
    to celebrate : )
    Bet you two had
    fun ooh-ing and
    Happy Friday,
    xx Suzanne

  3. Heartfelt, heartfull, just plain beautiful!

  4. Its a lovely shop
    I love the red things :-)

    Happy weekend

    Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´Anya

  5. Lovely shop - fun to see so many varieties of hearts.

    Here's something else that's fun. I have a neighbor visiting your blog. I don't have a clue who it is, but I see "Seabrook, TX" in your live traffic feed. Seabrook's where I do most of my work, go to the post office, etc.

    Isn't it amazing, the connections? I wish I knew who it is!

  6. Wowee...that is my kind of place!
    I am having so much fun crafting with the red Valentine theme.
    Have a fun weekend.

    Rocky says hi to Gypsy.

  7. Since red is my favorite color, this shop would draw me right in.

  8. What's not to like about red and hearts? I love both! I would really love that shop!

  9. Very enticing displays. I seem to be particularly taken with hearts this year.

  10. the black and white and red - love it - and how do you find these shops? that's it. You're coming to STL and will find such places! we must have some. I just don't know.
    Oh, and remember I said I needed to find a "crafting" friend? Well, looks like it's my Mom! She's now taking scrapbooking workshops and also is very much into journaling - yay!

  11. I love those tin hearts. I was looking at a tin can the other day and wondering if I would cut it to make some hearts. What a fun visit to Franklin.


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