The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, January 6, 2011

He's Almost Famous

By "he," I mean Rick. But no one would know this unless they knew his last name, which is Oberle.

Let me explain.

About a year ago, Rick was biking with two triathletes, one of whom was cartoonist Jef Mallett, who does the daily strip Frazz.

(That's Jef with Patty, his wonderful wife and occasional guest blogger.)

In fact, Rick's first venture out after having a terrible accident that day, during which Jef and his friend Jimi helped get him safely to the hospital, was to attend Jef's book signing.

Well, on New Year's Eve Day when Rick checked into the web site as he does each morning, he saw this.

If you can click you can see it bigger! We all laughed!


  1. Too funny! I love Frazz -- this is one you need to frame! Let's hope, though, that Rick doesn't create any more material for the strip.

  2. That is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting!

  3. That`s really funny....
    Did my parcel with the mouse arrive??
    Best wishes

  4. That is great! What a fun story and the strip will be a great keepsake (of course the fall wasn't funny!).

  5. That is hilarious!!!!!!!!! I love it! And....thank you for the SUHWEET matchbox! I got it yesterday. You are such a doll! I love it!!!

  6. That is so funny! Yes, Rick is now famous. Hopefully, there will be no more bike accidents for him.

  7. LOve it! Thanks for the back story. :)

  8. I love it and I'm glad it made everyone laugh,always a good thing.

  9. almost !
    i think he is famous !!!

  10. Famous, and with a keepsake to prove it. Very cool!

  11. Thank goodness Rick is OK and can star in the cartoon!

  12. How cool is that!!! Really fun to be immortalized in a comic strip! :)
    Love my little twinkling star...thank you Jeanie!

  13. How fun for you both! A very special friend. Love it!

  14. Wonderful! And most importantly because we can LAUGH about it now!!!


  15. Glad Rick's
    accident didn't
    keep him down....
    And it's good
    to have friends
    to laugh with!
    But, I guess you
    never know what
    will end up in
    print....or on
    a blog...hee hee!
    xx Suzanne

  16. I hope you clipped it and framed it. Hilarious!

  17. I remember when he went to the book signing. This is great! And remember, famous always is better than infamous - I'm not sure where "almost famous" fits in! :-)


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