The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

We Interrupt This Vacation for Holiday Cheer!

I'm eager to show you some wonderful photos of the desert and more, but before the season goes too far, want to share some holiday cheer. And what could be more cheerful than a cat in a festive bow?

Here we are at the house -- decorated far too much for its small size. Ask me if I care!

When I was away I read an article in the Flagstaff paper about a woman who read that to really do an appropriate and lovely Christmas tree, pick one color (maybe an accent, too), and just use that color and things that reflect your theme. She tried, but then started pulling out the ornaments the kids had made as children, gifts, and soon, her tree didn't fit her blue and white theme.

I know what she means. I have multiple trees and they are eclectic and clearly an album of my life, as represented in all kinds of ornaments.

I do have a snowman tree. Not that there aren't snow folk on the others, but this little one graces my bedroom.

I've always loved this one!

You saw my "Dad" tree in a previous post. The tree in my family room has lots of ornaments mom collected, so I call this one my "Mom" tree. These storybook characters are among my favorites.

My most successful attempt at a theme tree is the Solstice tree.

It seems like if there is a surface to cover, I cover it. This drives Rick nuts. But I love looking at these things that bring back so many memories.

This year's mantle is Santa folk.

This is on the coffee table. Easiest thing ever to make -- a wreath form, a feather boa (or two, depending on the size), T-pins. Then fix it up with a candle, a figure, birds, ornaments, whatever you like!

It's almost here -- and I still have to bake, shop, wrap, organize, finish projects. I am certifiably crazy. But I will love it and am looking forward to the blessings the holiday season brings -- time with friends and family, time to be creative, to cook, to laugh, to smile, to love.

Merry Christmas.

We'll return to the desert in a post or two -- till then, celebrate the holiday!


  1. Sorry I haven't commented on your wonderful posts for a while (even though I read and enjoyed every single one!). Life is treating me harshly right now, so I often don't feel like writing.

    I wish you a very merry Christmas and all the best for the upcoming new year!


  2. Your home looks beautiful....warm, inviting, and festive. I say the more the merrier when it comes to decorations.

    Merry Christmas!!!

  3. Every kid needs a toy for Christmas. I'll bet you'd like the Bronte Sisters Power Dolls. It's not too late to ask Santa to put them under one of your wonderful trees, you know!

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Jeanie, you are brilliant .... maybe you think that decorating is easy, but each of these montages tells a story that takes imagination and a strong sense of story to bring together: love the fun and warmth in every scene! Merry Christmas!

  5. Love all your trees. It is my favorite part of decorating at Christmas. Marmalade looks especially festive and I think I will try to Christmas-up a few of mine tomorrow. Have a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to catching up with you again in the new year. All the best. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  6. Love seeing all your decorations. Your tree is packed with goodies. I love a packed tree. Gypsy's holiday bow is perfect. Now I do think Joey would agree to that, but he is fed up with the hats.

  7. Oh, it's so beautiful and cozy - not too much at all.

    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, Jeanie. Hope Santa is good to you.

  8. I raise my glass (mug actually, it's early) to an eclectic Christmas, in every sense! Merry Christmas to you, Jeanie, and to Rick, the Gypsy and all your family!

  9. You certainly have your twinkle on Ms Jeanie!
    Lots of Love and Joy to you and our planet
    May the New Year be merry and bright for you and yours
    ho ho ho
    fa la la

  10. Your home looks warm, inviting and festive. I love the trees and the other Christmas touches. Good for you for filling up your tables, nooks and crannies with holiday cheer. Gypsy looks very festive.

  11. What a treasure trove your home is! It epitomizes the season and all the warmth of home and family :)

    And the Gypsy fits right in perfectly!

  12. your home is so warm and inviting....just like your heart !
    merry christmas {sweet friend} to you and your family. may it all be magical !!!

  13. Ohmygosh! I really want to stop-by you home and see it all in person. It is all beautiful and so so creative. How do you keep your Gypsy from checking it all out and not knocking things over and messing it all up? Or, is he one of those perfectly behaved cats and not curious? Rocky is young but our old cat Buster was not that interested.

    Have a wonderful and festive Holiday.

    Hugs, Cory

  14. PS

    I showed Rocky the photo of Marmalade Gypsy and he like his bow!

  15. I don't think you can have too much decorating for the holidays. Love it. I'm with you I like the idea of one colour way and all matching but when it comes to it there's no character as you can't have all the decorations with a story or meaning behind them. We always have the summer holiday decoration as we nearly always find them in the summer in the most unlikely places.

  16. I'm going to catch up, I'm going to catch up!! I LOVE all your decor!! Next year, you're coming to my house to motivate me!!!!


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