The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, December 10, 2010

More Mail

I'm pretty embarrassed that I'm showing photos of mail I received in November!

That said, I love these pieces so much, how could I not share them with you.

This is from Karen of Karen's Muse and Musings. Her arches have always been my favorite and I've told her before -- no one draws trees like she does! I love this spooky Halloween scene that arrived as a random act of art!

I was lucky to win Marilyn's drawing over at Delights of the Heart. Marilyn had a "strong women" series and I was won this beautiful charm. Above is the front, below is the back.

And then came a random act of Christmas from Joanne! I've adored these banners which I've seen on a number of your blogs. Now I have one on my fireplace!

Thank you, all! I love them!


  1. What joy in the mail doth come! hee hee Ya got good stuff!

  2. Oh fun! Getting fun stuff in the mail is the best. :) My best package that I have received is this bag I ordered off of Etsy. I fell in love with it when another blogger posted it on her site. It struck me as being very 'Parisian' so I hopped on Etsy to buy it as I was looking to buy a travel bag for my trip to Paris. Well, it turns out the woman who made it LIVES IN PARIS. I thought that was pretty cool. :)

    Oh, and I checked out Peter's Paris blog that you recommended in a comment on my blog - LOVE IT! thanks for passing it along! :)

  3. Glad you like the banners. Love your strong woman charm (very appropriate). And, of course, Karen's piece is beautiful (her work always is).

  4. Such beautiful gifts ... makes it easier to get into the spirit of the season, doesn't it? Hope you're enjoying a weekend reprieve from pledge madness ... if we get the snow they're predicting, it might be a good opportunity to curl up with a favorite book!

  5. Receiving gifts in the mail is the very best.

  6. A watershed month, Jeanie. The banner is fabulous. So perfect for a Christmas mantle.

  7. Great stuff arriving in the mail.


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