The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick or Treat!

This is the Gypsy checking in. I just want you to know that my person seems to think it appropriate to clothe me at the holidays.

Then she makes me pose.

And ask for treats.

Really, did she ever have to pose at Halloween?

Gee. Doesn't look like she's too happy about it, either. But did they make her wear a costume?

OK. I stand corrected.

Still, I'd rather be naked.

Happy Halloween.


  1. And happy halloween to you too dear Jeanie!
    It's not such a biggie here -But I had still better bag up some treats just in case we have any little door knockers visit us!!

    Your Gypsy is so gorgeous - we had a couple of ginger megs who looked exactly the same!!
    Take care
    Shane x

  2. Dressing up pets is a treasured Halloween tradition.

  3. I think Gypsy likes it.

    But I mean, we all like taking our clothes off, right?

    Happy Halloween!

  4. Every time I look at your cat I get a start – it looks so much like our Cody. Tomorrow we’ll be driving to the North Georgia Mountains to try to find some fall colors. We usually are at home on Halloween with a couple bags of candy. We do not live in a subdivision and those close to us do not have many kids, so we end up eating the candy. This time I was good and did not buy any.

  5. Too adorable!!! Suspect he ended up with lots of treats, too. Wishing you all a Happy Halloween!!

  6. Dear Gyp, You're a most handsome cat, costume or not costume. Just be yourself - your public adores you! (OK, except my centenarian beagle, maybe, but otherwise, all of us here at Lochcrest!)

    Happy Halloween, J and G and all!

  7. Gypsy looks great. I showed Rocky and he smileed.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  8. I like your natural costume the best. Have fun and stay safe. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  9. Oh, I am guessing Gypsy is in his nibbles chair. Cute costume! Pretty Boy for sure! Joey is sitting here with me saying "Hi" to Gypsy and wishing he had some nibbles too.

  10. Pretty funny! I have dressed up my two dogs occasionally. Misu doesn't mind it, but Zoe walks around hanging her head as if she is ashamed or maybe being punished for something.

  11. Hahahaha, cute!!! I love it!!

  12. So funny! You were a cutie and so is Mr. Marmelade!

  13. Great photos and he really does look fab in his costume although it's not really his thing lol.


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