The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall -- It's Here

Technically, it's fall. But it feels too early.

But this past weekend, we went to the lake, and there was no doubt whatsoever.

Autumn has so many moods -- stormy, dreary, awe inspired, melancholy, splendid, invigorating, lonely, energetic.

I think I experienced all of them this weekend, most on the not-so-cheery side!

The rainy, dreary days (and we certainly had those -- the wind whipped around like a cyclone!) are a good time to huddle up, read a book, go to town or simply be cozy.

The sunnier times are crisp and clean. It's time for a walk in the woods...

...or a long bike ride.

On a gloomy day, when you're snuggled on the bed, some of us don't like being disturbed.

The woods seem to take on different colors in the cloudy times. The darks are darker, the contrast greater.

Even the reds and greens seem brighter when contrasted against the dried and faded fallen leaves and sticks.

Then the sun comes out and you get this sense of energy.

I love the colors of fall -- the gold and red, the bright contrast against the sky.

It seems almost like a precious gift we are given before our world is covered with a blanket of white, the roads get filled with ruts and we bundle up in sweaters and sweatshirts and eat lots of soup.

Although, that soup wouldn't be all bad today!

I'll take my rainy days, I guess... they don't sound so bad now!


  1. ok...those are the most beautiful pictures! i too love fall time. the colors of the leaves are outstanding. i love the cozy cooler evenings.

    great photo of you beautiful kitty-cat!

  2. All the best reasons for loving fall, Jeanie. The jewels of color. The cozy days of rain when you have to stay inside and read. We've been lighting a fire in the woodstove, which is wonderful.

  3. Oh, wonderful photos. I love fall. Our leaves are just beginning to change... only the golds so far - the poplars are showing a little. That lake shot is gorgeous. Makes me want to visit your area but you're so far away. *sigh*

  4. Fall is my favorite season (I love the crisp cold, take to the comfy chair with a hot tea or chocolate on the rainy days, and enjoy the color change) and your pictures are lovely.

  5. Oh Sweet Fall,,one of my favorite times of the year, but yet it's bittersweet as right around the corner is winter. These pics are just Awesome, Jeanie. It has finally cooled off here and feels like fall. My first time in 25 years that I am truly able to enjoy it every day. And it's heavenly! I don't know if our leaves will be as pretty as yours as we have not had the rain that you have had. It's extremely dry here. After all the flooding in the spring, imagine that.
    Thanks for a wonderfully magically visual post and great story too.

  6. Lovely Autumn photo's, our trees are beginning to turn here too and your right it does seem like Autumn has come early this year.

  7. What a stark contrast with the Austraian seasons. Having spent some of my childhood in the northern hemisphere I do adore fall, it awakens the senses - all of them. Thanks so much for sharing your walk in the woods..

  8. Gorgeous photos of my favorite season. Enjoy the lake! When you'e land-locked as we are, we treasure time on the water even more. And fall reflections are perfect for...reflecting!

  9. Someday I would love to see the beautiful autumn you celebrate where you live. We get some color, but nothing like this.

  10. I did find your blog through One world one heart-event in february...

    Autumn did come very early here in Sweden too this year and I don´t know if it´s true or not but I heard this will be the coldest winter for 1000 years! Brrr! Who knows? We just have to wait and see. I love the fall and winter so for me it´s ok :D

    Thanks for commenting on my page! :)

  11. You need the rough to appreciate the smooth I think and those colours are stunning. Curling up with soup, books and those we love is no bad thing. Fab photos.


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