The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Where I'd Like to Be Right Now

I'd love to be here right now.

Cruising on the Seine -- or walking by it -- or being within five miles of it...

Hanging out at my cottage.

Here's a better view of what I'd be looking at!

Or spending time at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, in this charming book store or catching a terrific play.


Oh, well. Vacation soon.


  1. So sorry to hear this! Hope you find time for everything you enjoy very soon. xox

  2. I know your looking forward to your vacation! I have sure been enjoying being off this summer. So much more relaxing. And I am finally figuring out how to blog again. I actually did a post today!
    Have a great Monday!

  3. So, vacation on the Seine or at you cottage?

  4. I think you've definitely earned a vacation at the location of your choice.

  5. Oh boy!!!! I could have written this post with the same pictures! Although I have not been to your cottage by the lake I think it is probably a perfect place to be!!!!

    Yet I, too, am in the Asylum for the Insane!!!!!

    Oh, I would add one destination to your places... Bainbridge Island, Washington. It is pretty near to perfect!

  6. Lovely pics and places Jeanie. Mr Magpie and I were taking a walk yesterday and we tried to think of five wonderful and special times in our lives, other than getting married and having our beautiful boys ... we ended up with lots more than five and it seemed to always be places we'd visited :)
    There is no place like home, but getting away is such a great adventure too!

  7. We have Paris in our hearts and take it with us everywhere. That's what I tell myself when I can't go.

    I can't wait to talk with you today! At last.

  8. Love this post!! I'm not in the Asylum of the Insane but I am in the Land of Way Behind on Everything!

  9. This week it has been the Asylum but I do wish I was at any of the others as they look great. I loved the Ille St Louis as well when I visited with my mum. Have a good holiday when you finally get away.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Love the cottage photos. Loved chatting with you about blogging tonight. Thank you so much for helping me learn more about blogging. I'm excited to jump in deeper!

    fyi - I had to create a google account to comment, It would not accept any form of open ID that I tried, maybe it's me??


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