The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, May 22, 2010

In the Hood

What's new in my neck of the woods?

Well, the Gypsy has a neighbor.

His name is Jasper and he seems rather sweet to me!

But note the ear position on my orange boy. You could say he isn't fond of his neighbor!

I've been to the greenhouse! One of my favorite places every spring. The herbs are planted!

Couldn't resist some flower arranging -- they were so pretty, I had to buy some. Amazing what one bunch of greenery, a single hydrangea bloom, and a bunch of tulips can get you! Really, the hydrangea was $1.99/stem. The greenery was $4.49.

I used the greenery with the tulips, hydrangea and lilies of the valley from my garden. The ferns were from the garden, too -- and so were the weeds! Creeping Charlie!

I think orange tulips are one of my favorites. They looked so pretty in this inexpensive fake-Asian vase!

Best color ever!

I just love this spring!

Our local art festival is this weekend and you'll find me working on Saturday, helping escort Super WHY! and hanging out at our booth! If you're in the area, stop by!


  1. Oh oh
    those ears tell all ....... LOL

    I love also the orange tulips :-)

    Happy Weekend

  2. The cat is cracking me up! But your flowers are so delightful! Happy weekend!

  3. the flowers are gorgeous, almost edible, they look so fat and rich. But The Gypsy!!! OMG, he is priceless in all his orange glory, guarding his house, or at least his window, with his ears sending all kinds of messages. Gotta love him!

  4. Oh yes, the Gypsy looks a little hot under the collar -- who knew that cat ears could be so expressive!??

    Love your flower arrangments; tempting me to pick some of my own fern and lily of the valley... except my own garden is already mangy enough without me thinning it for the house.

    Hope you're not doing Art Fair in the rain -- tomorrow is supposed to be a better, if warmer, day.

  5. Beautiful flowers! Love the cat drama!

  6. I'm thrilled for you and your very well priced source for flowers. What beauty! I do love a hydrangea. I have a friend who promised to help me with planting this summer and fall. Yippie!!

    Cats crack me up with their innate jealousy. So like people in protecting their territory.

  7. Gorgeous Jeanne. How little it takes to create something so beautiful.

  8. Lovely flowers. Very cool guard cat.

  9. Everything looks so pretty. And I'm glad Gypsy has a new friend!

  10. The ears are fab and he isn't impressed at all is he. I laughed out loud. The greenhouses are fab, I so wish we had anything as colourful. I can see why you love to visit.

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  12. The flowers are just splendid! We are so flower deprived down here in the south. Well, in Texas, anyway. We have roses, and lots of tropicals, but cutting flowers are hard to come by. Many of the shrubs are beautiful in a landscape, but you can't ruin the hedges for bouquets!

    The tulips are my favorites - although I did smile to see the lily of the valley. Do you know the round called "White Coral Bells"? A very nice childhood camping song.

    And Gypsy! Oh, do I know that kind of ear action. They are such funny creatures!


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