The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, May 17, 2010

Blog Hopping

I've been visiting a number of blogs lately and seeing some interesting things, so I thought I'd share a bit with you. (Especially since my blogroll is out of date and I haven't updated it in a bit!)

First, Peter (Peter's Paris) is taking his visitors to wonderful sites in Paris and elsewhere in France in every post. Sometimes I fall in and feel like I may never crawl out! His photography is beautiful (but this picture is mine) and I learn something new with every visit!

Speaking of food for thought, Shoreacres will always inspire with her beautifully written, in-depth essays, one of the latest being about creativity, sharing and sustaining it. The post on one of her mentors in boat varnishing is a gem. If you're not a regular visitor, check it out!

Becca has been writing some astounding and thoughtful posts at Becca's Byline. Every now and then it's a Write on Wednesday post -- something I used to participate in often! There's lots of food for thought in Becca's posts. Recently she wrote about hidden talents, as she spoke of "Dancing with the Stars." We both agree it is a guilty pleasure! She also has a thought-provoking post about parents/children and role reversal as they age.

I've recently started visiting Bella Rum at Cul de Sac Chronicles. This is yet another of the blogs I've been stopping at that isn't on my badly outdated blogroll. Do check it out! Be sure to scroll down a bit and check out the post about the bathroom poofs -- you know, those net things we use in the shower. All I can say is "who knew?"

Mama K has reviewed a book by a cancer survivor that she heard speak. The author is a columnist at the Plain Dealer in Cleveland -- her story sounds wonderful and inspiring. And another cousin, Annie, has started Annie's Omnium. It's a brand new blog -- and she's quite the artist! Check out the cute rain barrel she painted for a commission! Stop by and say hi!

Finally, if you remember Anno from the dearly departed Anno's Place, she is back with a couple of sites. You can link to her photography and Postscripts site here.

But she is also hosting a new site -- and one in which I've been honored to participate called Unconventional Beauties. The blog is a series of conversations and -- this is the main thing -- self-portraits by various participants. Including me! (This isn't it, but I needed a spot for a Gyppy pic!)

The idea is to take a self-portrait (and you don't need to be Annie Liebovitz to pull this off!), and then write a narrative about you, the photo... Well, don't listen to my words; visit the site and check it out! I found it to be an interesting and soul-searching process.


  1. We are so Happy to be your friend in bloggie world :))))
    Nice post !!!

    Hugs to all from Kareltje =^.^=

  2. Great post. LOVE the picture of you two, also!!! Off to check these blogs out.....thanks a heap!

  3. Love the self portrait. Thanks for sharing some new to me blogs. My blog roll is also hopelessly out of date. I keep trying to figure out how to better manage it. If you have any ideas let me know!

  4. I will never do that,
    he walks always in the shower,
    he loves it to smell there ;))))
    Its only fun
    it was dry in the shower ;)
    (He hates water !!)

  5. Great blog tour! So glad to be part of your circle; so glad to be one of your friends... thank you!

  6. interesting blog tour...especially Peter's Paris :) love paris, my first love's name was Peter... :)

    and when your on your journeys, check out my green monkey tales

    very eclectic - THIN YELLOW LINE is intense, THE MEN AND ME is fantasy, you can also find humor here...

    Love your background design also...

    Best, Monkey ME

  7. Great self portrait and the Gypster is looking handsome, too! You look beautiful and happy!

  8. Oh what a beautiful portarit of two very special souls!! : )

  9. OK, I now see that I will be blog hoping this afternoon (must do some mundane tasks before I sit down to travel the blogosphere).

  10. hey there jeanie, i love your self portrait article and always, always you and the gypsy look happy to have and hug one another...well except the gyp has a way of letting us know that he is only tolerating that stupid camera for you...and maybe a little catnip bribe ;)

    xo love to you my dear. i hope your health is holding steady.

  11. I love your blog hopping posts. Thank you for sharing. I'm off to make some new friends, thanks to your introductions.


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