The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Easter Bunny Is "In"

Happy Easter!

Whether you are looking forward to the arrival of the Easter Bunny...

...a plethora or eggs (chocolate, deviled and hard boiled!)...

...or the joyful message to the season....

I send you warm wishes from me and Mr. Gyps!

Today is Pink Saturday, so do stop by the other participants listed at How Sweet the Sound.


  1. Thank you for the greeting and the yummy looking eye candy!

    May you have a blessed Easter.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  2. Yum! I NEED one of those delicious Easter cookies -- Right now!! Wishing you a wonderful Easter!

    (and, by the way, my word verification thingie was "pretty" -- which sounds just right to me.)

  3. Happy Easter Jeannie!!! You have inspired me to go look for a chocolate bunny!!!!

  4. p.s. You picked one of the coolest blog backgrounds ever!!!

  5. I also want one of those cookies NOW! And I also love the background. And my verification word was "tryone." Ha!

  6. Fabulous! And a masterclass in icing.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Easter!

  7. so pretty and cheerful! I forgot to sign up ahead of time for the pink party, so I'm leaving my pink link and hoping that you'll drop by soon. Have a fun weekend! until later...

  8. Jeanie and Gyps - Happy Easter! I enjoy looking at these goodies because they are gorgeous and doing it this way, calorie free.

    (honestly, all the Easter chocolate and all the bunny cuteness that is everywhere makes a girl want to skip "correct" food and go on a sweet binge!)

  9. Those are the cutest cookies!! Yummy!!
    Happy Easter!!

  10. Yum! Those Easter cookies look fantastic! Enjoy your weekend.

  11. It's eye cookies instead of eye candy. And, very sweet looking eye cookies, at that.

  12. Such a yummy and colorful post Jeanie
    Happy Easter
    Happy Spring
    Happy Happy Everything


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