The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Stash!

Several years ago, my blogger and PBS buddy Shelley gave me a marvelous CD with a variety of images on it. (Shelley closed her beautiful blog, but some of you may remember her!)

I thought I'd share some with you -- feel free to copy them for your own holiday stash.

I'd like to think I'd make place cards from them, putting the name on the golden egg...

...or if I used this one, on the toadstool.

I could make Easter cards...

Yes, I could!

But as usual, I didn't do this earlier! Maybe you will!


  1. I have some vintage clip art and always think I should do something with it, but don't get around to it. By the way, the missing photos from Greg's exhibit showed up on your post tody - they were worth the wait.

  2. Great, your Easter cards!! Thank you for the chance to copy some of them!

  3. Those really capture an earlier sense of style, don't they.

  4. Wonderful photo's
    the last is almost antique :-)

  5. Great images! Thanks, Jeanie!

  6. These are soooo great! Thank you! Have a wonderful Easter!

  7. These are charming... hope we get to see their various transformations someday!

  8. Heck, I'm afraid I still haven't made Christmas cards!

  9. Girlfriend, you are so talented and full of interests. I love that about you.

  10. thanks so much for sharing these lovely images, each one is really sweet!


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