The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Bunnies are Coming!

(This is part of Pink Saturday. Please visit Beverly's site for more pink fun!)

I saw my first bunny this year in February. Each year I count them. I can't wait to count more!

Meanwhile, the bunnies in the basement have made their way upstairs! (With tipsy eggs to prove it!)

These cheery friends always as winter struggles for one last push and we anticipate spring with great eagerness. (Though I confess this year, spring seems to be early! I suppose it all depends which day you're dealing with!)

I'm simply wild about Easter decorations -- pretty colors, and so cheery!

This white sweetheart has such cute pink ears!

And I love this lovely china bun.

The detail is beautiful!

Of course, not every bunny is pink! I love the stone bunnies...

And this one serves double duty!

I have to say that this is one of my favorites...

As is her relaxing friend!

Of course, for me, Easter doesn't come without an egg tree...

I had so many eggs, I decided to take a cue from Iris at Herzblatt. She made a beautiful hanging grapevine wreath with eggs danglng from it. I decided to make use of the chandelier instead!

It was such a wonderful idea, Iris! Thanks for letting me borrow it!

As part of Pink Saturday, we mention another blogger participating whom we've never visited. Well, I just got back from Anne's blog and she is showing a lovely teapot! Stop by!

And, just in case you have time for crafting before the holiday (I don't!), I'll be sharing some Easter images in a couple of days! So stop back!


  1. Some of those decorated eggs are exquisite. I love the first image - it made be smile, just gorgeous. Hope you have a great weekend Jeannie.

  2. I did not know you had such an amazing collection of bunnies and eggs, but I should have guessed! I wish you lived in town so you could host Easter!

  3. there is something about a wabbit, I just cannot resist! what a sweet collection ... your Easter egg tree is wonderful, always a fav thing of mine too!
    Happy Springtime Dear Jeanie ... it's coming it's coming!

  4. I have lots of bunnies & eggs packed away....I don't always take them out since the kids are past the easter egg hunt stage. Maybe this weekend I will take them out (I don't even know offhand when eater is this year...although I pretty sure its not this weekend!!!)

  5. Look at all your beautiful bunnies, they are awesome.

  6. What a great bunny collection! I am a real sucker for bunnies,chicks and lambs! This is a gorgeous post. I am glad to meet you and hope you will stop by my place to say hello too! I like it a lot over here! Thanks Anne

  7. Love the bunnies! I love the decorated chandelier! What a spring homage your house is!

  8. What a delightful bunny collection! ...and that embroidered egg with the pearls is beautiful! I'm enjoying my first Pink Saturday hopping around to see all the pretties! I invite you over to my place to see my little Basket Full of Sunshine. until later...

  9. My "fav" bunny is the one lifting her dress a tad. What a hoot! The look on that bunny face is priceless. Enjoy the weekend.
    Joyce M

  10. I love bunnies and these are all so cute. Beautiful decorations. You're all ready.

  11. I am really loving your Easter Decor!! All so pretty and I love what you did to the chandelier !!

  12. All ready for Easter at your place, I see! Wonderful!

    Happy Pinks!

    In Shoes We Trust,
    Maggie Mae
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  13. Very cut Easter bunnies and eggs. Hope you had a great Pink Saturday.


  14. I love your decorations! The bunnies are so cute but I LOVE what you did with your chandelier!! This is my favorite post so far!

  15. Easter has definately sprung in your house. Beautiful decorations. Love the chandelier.

  16. I love your bunny collection and the eggs hanging from the chandelier is wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Please stop by when you get a chance and meet my marmalade tabby, Luna BonBon! Happy Pink!

  17. You have an Easter extravaganza there - incredible! My favorites are the bunnies dressed in sailor outfits.

  18. Oh Jeanie - I love the chandelier!! I want to come over and eat some marshmellow eggs at your house; it is so cheerful.
    I just saw Alice in Wonderland, and I am lovin' bunnies at the moment. Yours are delightful!

  19. I love bunnies, too! Haven't done any Easter decorating, so enjoyed seeing yours. The chandelier idea is so gorgeous! Loved it all.

  20. I just love that you count bunnies. It's knowing those quirky little things about each other that makes us feel more like "real-life" friends, don't you think?

  21. many wonderful Easter Bunnies....I love them`s like in a zoo, an "Easter Bunny Zoo"....*lol*...
    I am happy to inspire you with my yours, too!!!
    best wishes

    (Have sent you an email!!)

  22. One of my favourite things about your blog is your holiday decorations. I love them! I look forward to see what holiday comes next to see how you decorate for them. I love the chandelier it makes my little Forsythia twig look like a starter tree. This post has just reminded me to go and dig out my decorations as well. Thanks and Happy Easter!

  23. I love the chandy! That is beautiful! Your bunnies just make me happy!!
    Happy Easter!

  24. All of your bunny collection is adorable!
    That egg is something else!!
    Wishing you a blessed Easter Jeannie!hugs anna xo

  25. Jeanie - the bunnies are absolutely adorable! And what a fabulous and colorful home you must have in all seasons!!!

  26. You really have an Amazing collection of Rabbits and Eggs. Love the chandelier Idea,,that looks so cool! I am going to take pics of my Easter collection when my Bunny teapot and cups arrive from the drawing I won on Pea's blog. Hope your having a great Wednesday!


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