The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Quiet Time

I love being at the lake after Labor Day. The weather is usually still lovely, it's very quiet and you get lots done. And even if you don't, who cares? It's just healing to be in that space. Even the beach takes on its own "look" -- and it's lovely.

On Saturday morning, we awoke to a thick foggy mist hanging over the lake. It was almost mystical.

I had to walk along the beach and capture what I could on film, though it doesn't nearly measure up to the memories.

The spider web at the end of the neighbor's dock seemed to be suspended in space.

I moved on from the beach and into the woods, absolutely dazzled by the way the sun started to break and cast its rays between the tall, dense pines. When I was a child, we called this "a biblical sky" and it certainly seemed that way this particular morning.

I noted the early morning dew on the spider webs, complex interweaving of silky threads.

If you want to see really fabulous spider web photos, visit Ruth's wonderful blog. Meanwhile, you must make do with mine!

As I was walking back, the the sun was a bit brighter, and so was this sneak preview of the autumn to come.

As my day went on, I was able to enjoy the bounty of the farm market, with its vibrant colors in vegetables...

And flowers.

And of course the peaches I bought had to be grilled in tin foil making a marvelous dessert. We were missing only ice cream! (I topped it with a little bit of the farm market granola, but that photo wasn't so hot!)

It wasn't a weekend without wildlife. My ducks -- Quick and Quack -- made several appearances, perhaps motivated by a good chunk of baguette.

Their pretty feathers and wonderful feet make me smile. But they move awfully fast for ducks!

Of course, Gypsy is always on the lookout for wildlife!

While I enjoyed farm markets, antique markets, cooking and photography, Rick stained the part of the porch I couldn't reach last year!

Of course, there were Scrabble games on the porch, crossword puzzles, and for Rick, a bike ride! And quiet time, as we'd watch the sky change colors, from pale blues and grays to deep hues of midnight blue and orange.

And so, I leave you with another beautiful sunset or two. I'm going to miss these.

Just maybe I'll catch one or two more!

(New on Chopsticks and String -- another book for foodies -- "A Pig in Provence."


  1. so peaceful and beautiful!!!
    I literally gasped when your spider web pics popped up ... must go visit the link you shared with us
    you take care ...

  2. So lovely. That spider web looks a little wonky. Looks like something I would sew. lol I am loving the fog shots. That has to be my favorite. The sunsets are beautiful too though. xo

  3. Stunning photos, Jeanie! Do you use Photoshop? I'd love to play with some of these, with you.

  4. Your photos are fab. Wish I was there it all looks so lovely.

  5. Beautiful pix! Especially the spider webs- very cool!

  6. Oh God, Jeanie, you just hit all, ALL, of my best moods with this.

  7. those webs are sooooo incredible !
    I never find any like that around here...damn !

    and that early landscape !

  8. Off season is my favorite time to visit the lake: so peaceful, so cozy, so amazingly gorgeous. I love those spiderwebs; great contrast with the sunflowers!

  9. Great photos as always. Loved the spider's web.

  10. Wonderful photos. I really love your web photos...and the fog...and the sun in the woods...and the sunset...and...

  11. Lovely, JC. Thanks for taking us all along. xo

  12. I love your photos, too!!! Especially the ones with the spider webs and the foggy lake and the ducks...I love them so much. I love Donald Duck and the real ducks...*lol*...and I like the view on the lake...Is it near your home??? Where is it???
    Okay...I love them all!!! Great pictures!!!
    What does "xo" mean??? When my English friends sent me a letter, they always did xxx next to the signature!...

  13. OH my! The fog. The sunflowers. The ducks. The cookies. The sunsets. What a blessed week you've enjoyed.

  14. Wonderful pictures! The sunsets and spiderwebs are my fave. I know you so enjoy going to your wonderful cabin on the lake!

  15. The shots from the spider webs are AMAZING :)))
    The sunshine is beautiful !!


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