The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pink in Monet's Garden

I've missed Pink Saturday for several weeks. I've missed visiting you, too!

I thought I'd take you to Monet's Garden in Giverny, France (and hope that I didn't use any of these on my earlier post back in late June!)

Here's is Monet's house -- or rather, an upper window! All pink and green, like the garden!

You can't talk about Monet without mentioning water lilies!

At this time of year, pink was the predominant color -- well, next to green.

My favorite flowers were the pink poppies. I'd seen lots of red ones before, but none this color.

It was, indeed, a magical place.

I've saved a bit of Giverny (the town) for a future Pink Saturday. Meanwhile, for lots of other lovely pink things, please visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.


  1. Hello, Jeanie,
    I enjoyed my tour of Monet's gardens. They are just beautiful. The pink poppies are gorgeous. I am a gardener so I always enjoy a peek into another person's garden. I look forward to seeing more of Giverny. Have a good weekend. Vicki

  2. Love your blooms.
    Nice pink post!
    Happy weekend.

  3. My favorite artist! I love the picture of the shuttered window surrounded by ivy. And, of course, the water lilies--not hard to see his inspiration! Thanks for sharing the pictures~

  4. I've never seen a poppy that color. Aren't they delicate?

  5. How totally lovely! Thanks so much for sharing this week. Raining I needed a little bit of cheer! Pink Saturday always makes me smile, even if the sky is gray.

    Have a wonderful weekend with those you l♥ve.

  6. Thank you for the tour of Monet's gardens. They are really lovely. I hope you are having a great day.

  7. How beautiful, and yes... magical. P.S. I love, love your kitty!

    Mermaid Debbie

  8. What a lovely post! Love the garden... and love Monet too!
    Have a very Happy Pink Saturday and a wonderful Sunday too!

    Come on over and join my House Beautiful giveaway. Drawing today!

  9. I still have me some catching up to do from your trip to France. Oooooh, how pretty!! Just like a painting! xoxo

  10. Jeanie:
    What a magical visit this was. I too love the poppies most of all. They are so beautiful. I love the pictures of all the greenery that look so mystical to walk through. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post. Happy Pink Saturday. Please stop by and say hi. Country hugs, Sherry

  11. Oooooooo, I think I need a pink and green and brown outfit for fall!! And maybe I'll have to make some jewelry to match! These photos are delightful.
    Are you ready to go back??

  12. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Claude Monet is one of my most favorite painters! I love this post!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  13. Happy Pink Saturday!
    Love the garden... Hugs

  14. I so want to go there. What beautiful photos.

  15. Oh so gorgeous!

    I'm not participating but thought I'd stop by and say "Hello, Happy Pink Saturday". It is always such a pleasure to come to your blog and see what you've been up to.

    See you soon!
    (- note the new blog address)

  16. What a beautiful post! Those gardens must be beautiful! Happy Pink Saturday!

  17. Beautiful pink post. I would love togo to Monet's garden.


  18. Gorgeous photos, Jeanie! So many stunning shades of pink, and the poppies are spectacular. Hope to see it all in person one day. :-)

  19. These are beautiful pix. I grew poppies this year and I just love them, but I had never seen pink ones.

  20. Happy PS! What lovely pics! Thanks for sharing.

    Irma :)

  21. Lovely shots of a very relaxing garden. A walk through there would lower your blood pressure, I'm sure.

  22. Love the flowers around the pond - very pretty. Hope you have had a great weekend.

  23. It must have been like a dream come true. I've always dreamed of seeing Monet's Garden.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Jeanie.

  24. You do Pink Saturday too! Lovely photos, thanks for sharing!
    ~*Happy Pink Saturday*~ a little late :)

    ~*~ Patty

  25. Absolutely lovely photos! A plethora of pink perfection.

  26. How wonderful to go to Monet's house and you captured it so beautifully xxx

  27. Love your pink post...I am late at getting to see everyone's pink ....have a blessed week and stop by my blog and say hey!
    I also enjoyed reading about your family in the last post.

  28. I dream of seeing this for myself some day. Yes, I do.


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