The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, August 23, 2009

New on "Chopsticks"

A lot of you asked me questions about Paris, and while I tried to reply to all of you, I thought they might be fun to share. (Besides, you know I was looking for another spot to use my Paris photos!)

So, if that's your cup of tea, click over to Chopsticks and String and check it out!


  1. I did and the photos were beautiful.

    Saw the raccoon in the trap and had to see what the story was.

    We have trellis on the sides of our patio and used to raise white grapes on one side. Little did I even think of the raccoons in the wild--as well as two tamed (sort of) ones who were let out at night--would think this was a bonanza of food delights.

    So, add a dog and a cat of ours which were free to go in and out through a dog door in our bedroom and guess what you have on a warm September evening. Chaos! No one was seriously hurt and I've always been glad the police weren't called as DH and I are out there on the patio, trying to get the wily, ferocious cat we had and our Mini Schnauzer (bred to exterminate rats and vermin!) out of the way and let the mom and two "babies" (more like why didn't Mom kick those 2 free loaders out of the feast and nest!) and we are in our sleeping clothes and everyone is puffed up and yowling and screaming. We got it done, and all went to sleep again, with the door blocking the in and out of the house access for the night. The vines came down the next year.

    So, yes, I can just imagine all the fuss you had that night.

  2. I am going to Paris..I am I day !

  3. I love hearing all about Paris and your travels - your blogs were wonderful on the subject - thanks for sharing.


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