The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Few Days at the Beach

We've been traveling, and actually, these photos from last year are just a preview of musings from Myrtle Beach, SC.

Late July/early August always takes us to Myrtle Beach.

It's Rick's second-largest trade show of the year.

I help him out on the floor and when he teaches seminars.

But most of the time I spend on the beach.

There's something about Myrtle Beach I love. And it's more than that almost-bath-warm water and enormous waves where I frolic in my swimsuit happily, not worrying too much people think about how I look. Everyone's so busy having fun, no one is looking!

It's not the hotel. I love our mom-and-pop motel, the Sun Fun, with its small pool and convenient kitchenette. What I don't love so much about it is the very loud (and essential) air conditioner that is never off and runs with an incessant din. It doesn't come with shampoo and creme rinse either, but it is only one block away from the ocean and I love that!

It's not the town. We don't generally come in a car, so we're afoot for the whole time. We're in a heavy tourist district and the beach condos seem to go for miles. When you do find a shop, you can count on tacky sea things. There are few restaurant choices in our area and they are of varying quality.

Yes, you can take the bus or a cab to the mall -- but why? Who wants to shop when the beach is there. Did I mention the beach?

But I love it. The people on the beach represent everything. All ethnicities, lots of foreign languages, teens and families. I love the little kids playing on their surf boards or collecting shells and the older people, hand in hand.

I love everything about it -- the beach grass...

The umbrellas on an early morning, before they are opened wide, one after the other, to protect our skin from the hot Carolina sun.

And the waves. Oh, those waves!

As I sit on the beach in my cheap folding chair (purchased from the tacky beach store for $12 -- beats renting a cabana, even if I leave it behind with some lucky soul staying at our hotel), I am enjoying my book ("Julia Child: My Life in France," in anticipation of "Julie and Julia" opening this week!). I periodically update my sunscreen, down water from the little cooler I packed, and just smile.

"Julie and Julia" -- Meryl Streep as Julia Child, Stanley Tucci as her beloved husband Paul and Amy Adams as Julie Powell. Oh, I can hardly wait (which is almost a surefire bet for disappointment!)

(If you've read The Marmelade Gypsy for about a year and a half or so, you may remember I raved about the book in this earlier post. It's about cooking and blogging. What's not to love?
And, if you want to read Julie Powell's blog, check it out here. And, here's the movie's website.)

AND, if you really want to know what it's like to style food for a movie where food plays a major role, this New York Times article about "Julie and Julia" food stylist Susan Spungen's challenges is well worth a read! (Yes, the Susan Spungen who used to work for Martha.)

(This is one of those cases where you hope and pray the movie is as entertaining as the book, even if it's not quite the same!)

I'm warm. I'm happy. I'm in the water and my shoulder feels strong as I wait for the "big wave" and ride it toward shore.

Hanging out at the trade show for a couple of days helping Rick is tough on the feet, but it's a small price to pay for a few days at the beach.

So, over the next few days, I'll be catching you up with some of the views of Myrtle Beach! Stay tuned for that, for a visit to Windsor, Ontario to meet up with a friend from Japan, and more! And coming soon, an introduction to the kindred spirit I never knew I had!


  1. Just love beach holidays - they are among my happiest memories.

  2. The beach always makes me feel happiest. There's a part of Florida that just makes my heart sing.

    I'm also completely excited for the opening of Julie and Julia!

  3. Love the beach photos (I wanna go to the beach!); looking forward to this years crop. I, too, am really looking forward to Julie and Julia.

  4. you know how much I love the beach :)

    and with my birthday tomorrow...the gift to myself is going to see julie and julia....

    I'm so excited !

  5. Oh, you lucky girl! That looks like a beautiful area to relax on the beach. Enjoy!

    I'm waiting for the movie, too. I hope it's good.

  6. Let me love the beach! (How did I know that??) I'm glad you're having such a wonderful summer. Is that beach on the ocean....must be with such big waves. I've always wondered what swimming in salt water would be like.
    You won't believe it, but the "word verification" is "win sand"

  7. Wonderful photos, great waves! We visited Myrtle two years ago for the first time and enjoyed it so much.
    We ended up at The Collectors Cafe several times, such a fun arty spot for coffee and dessert or a very nice meal!
    Thanks for sharing your beach getaway, can hardly wait for your next adventure!

    still hoping and dreaming that we may slip away to a beach...any beach before summer's end :)

  8. Yay for these ocean pictures - oh, I have so needed an "ocean fix!" What fun. Soak up some surf for all of us! And yes, will also see the movie and meet back here to discuss!!!!!

    Enjoy! and hello to Rick, too!

  9. I saw the movie the afternoon it opened. It was great. Longtime Julia fan here..even before working for PBS.

  10. first of all i love the ending to this post giving us a preview like the sequel to a good novel! i also enjoyed hearing all the things that you don't come for and yet you still love it.i know what you mean :) and the bath warm water, i saw those words right away. i made a trip to naples a few years back and i loved the hot temperature of the ocean water, the endless number of birds that seemed always to be snacking and just being there, free of worry or concerns. a proper vacation! but you do seem to know how to make the most of your time there even though you do have to work!

  11. I'm envious! I'm having beach withdrawals, not having been there in several years. Enjoy!

    I had forgoten about that book until Emily mentioned it this evening. I remembered then you bloggin about it earlier. She liked the book, too. Had read it last year and wants to see the movie, too.


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