The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pink Purses in Paris

It's nice to be back to a Pink Saturday -- with new material!

All the purses featured here were taken in shop windows of Paris boutiques and shops in the wholesale district. Pink was definitely in!

For more Pink Posts, visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.

(I couldn't decide which of these I liked best!)

"Which did I buy?" you might ask. Alas, none of them! But I saved my euros for the flea markets! More on that coming soon!


  1. On Jeanie, I adore that bright pink wicker purse in the first picture.

  2. Love the pink Paris purses!!! Truth be told anything from Paris would delight me :)
    ~*Happy Pink Saturday*~

  3. Hi sweetie - I'm not doing PS today, but was just stopping by to say hello to you and to see how you are doing.

    Fun Post! Love purses, this is a wonderful tribute to them.

    I haven't been posting or visiting much as of late. I've been crazy busy which I'm grateful for. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods, as we say here.


  4. What a wonderful Pink Saturday blog post! Thanks so much for adding a bright spot to my morning!

    Hoping that your weekend is filled with sunshine and that your are surrounded by those you l♥ve.

  5. Oh, so much catching up to do! As luck would have it, I'm not big on purses and I don't like pink! So, I'll let the others admire and covet, and move on down to the chateau and Giverny.

    Your smiles just tell the story - every time you post something new I just smile and smile a bit more myself!

  6. Ohhhh, the straw ones, sigh! Can't wait to see pics from the flea market. I haven't been in ages. Happy Pink Saturday!

  7. Oh pink purses in Paris! Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. Oh, you just have to love them all don't you, beautiful to say the least, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  9. Happy Pink Saturday, Jeanie! Love those pink bags! I'd have a difficult time choosing just one!

    Enjoy the flea market!


  10. Oh My Gosh, I loved the pink and white herringbone hobo bag. That was way to cute. I would have had to choose that one if I could only have one. I am sure they all had really expensive price tags attached too. But a girl can dream right? I mean give me Paris, and I could fo the window shopping for sure. Great Pink Saturday Post. Please stop by and say hi. I would love to have you come, sit and read awhile. Country Hugs, Sherry

  11. I like all especially the 5th one:). Thanks for sharing.

    Enjoy your vacation.

  12. What pretty purses! I like the pink and white one that's weaved :-)

    happy pink Weekend!

  13. My daughter loves pink purses, she would have been in heaven seeing all of these! So pretty!

  14. Jeanie,
    What lovely pink handbags! It looks like you are having a splendid time in Paris! Lucky you!

    If you get a chance, I am throwing my 100th Blog post party today and in celebration am running 5 give-aways. Please be sure to stop on by! I'd love to have you! I will leave the post up until Wednesday and conduct the drawings next Friday in time for Pink Saturday!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. I'm not a purse person, but love the displays!


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