The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

A brief American diversion for me, as I take a break from France to acknowledge America's Independence Day, doing the things so many of us do on the holiday.

For me it will probably include watching the Boat Parade on Otsego Lake, meeting up with Rick halfway through his 100-mile bike ride in the tiny town of Central Lake, where we'll have a picnic and enjoy the town parade (which always reminds me of Garrison Keillor's Lake Wobegon), and fireworks at the lake. No doubt grilling will be involved somewhere along the way!

We'll return to France in the next post, but I thought to illustrate Independence Day, I'd share this flag from the Omaha Beach Museum in Normandy.

It reminds us all of what our soldiers did to help preserve independence for Europe in World War II with this image from the American Cemetery at Omaha Beach. (And continue to do today, elsewhere.)

The flags at the cemetery, which overlooks Omaha Beach where so many died 65 years ago, dot the pristine crosses and Stars of David that seem to stretch on into infinity. It's sobering, striking, beautiful. And so very peaceful.

(And, I was reminded that the French did play a significant role in America's independence, as well. Maybe it was "paybacks" some 200 years later.

I'll share more about my reflections from Normandy in a few days, but leave you to celebrate Independence Day with a nod to all who help others win independence and freedom, everywhere.


  1. We have a country that knows how to give even when we hurt. That is what makes us great. And the giving is with love.

  2. happy 4th, Jeanie, to you and yours. Here's to freedom!

  3. Perfectly said! Hope you are enjoying a peaceful 4th!

  4. Jeanie:

    Welcome home and best wishes to you, Rick and all your friends for a happy 4th of July.

    Kate and I got your card from Giverny. It was a wonderful reminder of a wonderful place. Thanks for thinking of us.

    We look forward to hearing more of your adventures in France and seeing the pictures.

  5. Jeannie ~

    Welcome back! I've been so swamped with work I knew you were home by seeing your comment somewhere, but I hadn't made it here. What wonderful photos and narrative in your Paris posts - I'm saving them for this evening, once the day's activities are over and I can enjoy them at leisure.

    I'm glad you're safely home, and you had better be posting something from Giverny!

    Happy 5th of July!

  6. I loved the name of your blog and was drawn to read more. Great post - oh a break from France - I wish :)

  7. I guess one must break from France but oh how hard. Sounds like you had a wonderful July 4th. Ours was nice except for the fireworks being rained out. But we needed the rain so I can't complain much!


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