The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New on "Chopsticks and String" and a Winner!

I've just posted my thoughts about a wonderful book on Chopsticks and String.

It’s surprisingly difficult to write a book “review” when the book read is so marvelous, moving and illuminating as “Kitchen Table Wisdom” by Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. is.

“Everybody is a story,” Remen writes in the introduction. “When I was a child, people sat around kitchen tables and told their stories…Sitting around the table telling stories is not just a way of passing time. It is the way the wisdom gets passed along.”

Remen is a remarkable woman -- a physician of powerful compassion and soul; a wounded healer (she has had Crohn's disease since she was a youth), and a fabulous writer. It's one of the few books I've ever read with a packet of post-it notes tucked into the back cover. And I used a lot of them.

If you ever visit Chopsticks and String (or if you have never visited!), this is perhaps the one book "review" I hope you'd take a look at. It's worth your time to learn more about this book; it was more than worth mine.

AND -- the winner of a crystal donated by my pal Richard in honor of his school crystal project supporting the Greater Lansing food bank is Anno!

Featuring the Marmelade Gypsy as special non-partial random selector!

(It's a blessing and a curse to have a cat who likes to eat paper or chew yarn when your primary art interests are collage and knitting...)

(We had so much fun with this, there were paper bits all over the bed by the time we were done, but Anno was the first name he pulled from the basket!)


  1. omg...letting your cat draw the winning name...I'm still laughing !

  2. I wish your cat lived here. Not for string eating or paper eating, but being willing to draw a name. What talent!

    Now I'm heading over to chopsticks and string.

  3. Oh brother - a whole new blog to read. The next time I enter one of your contests, can I mail you paper scented with cat food scent?

  4. That's so sweet of Gypsy... give her some cream and a sprig or two of catnip, compliments of me! I'm looking forward to receiving my crystal -- thanks so much to you for the wonderful gift!

  5. Gypsy is great....the best random selector you can have!!!
    I have just read your memory about sad!!!! She really must have been a wonderful find friends like her very very seldom...
    In Germany we have the saying:" God fetches the best people first"...sometimes I think it is right...definitely in this case!

  6. What a smart Marmalade but I wish my name had been first,ha ha! Congrats to Anno. That book looks like it would be excellent. I will keep it on my lists of must reads.
    Have a terrific Wednesday!

  7. Not sure what your contest was about, but I do love your Gypsy. He would be a beautiful contrast with my cats, a solid black and a grey and white.

  8. Haha! I love Gypie! I'm going to have to get that book! I read your previous post and it is lovely. I am so sorry for your lose!


  9. that Gypsy! what a clever fellow! Made me laugh talking about his passion for shredding papaer and your passionfor working with paper!

  10. Your post reminded me of chair shopping. It took us forever to find chairs for our dining room table. They had to fit a particular budget, look good, and be comfortable for long periods of time. Why? Because we all sit at the table after meals to tell our stories.

  11. oh what a lovely way to do a prize draw! What a wise cat!


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