The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Guess Where I Am?

If you have read "comments" on the post below this -- you know. (Thanks, Rick, for updating everyone!)

I'm in Detroit. Romulus, actually, at an airport hotel.

As soon as I write this post, I'm outta here for the airport, hoping to catch a 6 p.m. flight to Paris (Well, more than hope, but after last night...)

All things given, it's better to find out the plane is malfunctioning before you leave rather than after. (Especially given Air France's recent press.)

I'm exhausted, but hoping to get an extra day or two out of it!

Au revoir, again! (Ah, the perils of pre-posting! Well, the rest I think aren't pre-loaded, just a couple of pix!)


  1. Oh,,bless your heart! We went through all that at Christmas with my stepdaughter, so fustrating. But yes,,you need a very good functioning plane for your long journey.
    Godspeed dear friend and Have a blast!!!

  2. Have an absolutely wonderful vacation, and share it with us when you can. do you pre-post?

  3. I thought you'd be writing from France! What a pain! I'm sorry that happened to you...

  4. Oooo - I'm just catching up! France! Wonderful! Can't wait to see photos.

  5. I hope you are there, Jeanie!! Nothing worse than an airport hotel... YUCK.


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