The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spring Bounty at the Market!

I couldn't resist. Physical therapy was over by 3:30 and it was a gorgeous day. Knowing I'd be working most of the weekend at the art festival, I decided to play hooky!

There is nothing that pleases me more than going to the city market in the spring. Color overloads my senses, and even late in the afternoon, vendors were still offering their foodstuffs, pots of scarlet geraniums and hot pink impatiens. I'm not allowed to dig for awhile, so I refrained from purchases -- but I'll be back!

My primary reason for choosing this particular market was the outstanding cheese vendor. This weekend is another wine tasting and my food assignment is bringing the bread/cheese plate!

It will be fabulous! (Check in later next week for our favorites from the "Wines of Australia" tasting!)

Of course, I can't resist one of my favorite stops -- Wild Rose/Hickory Corners.

As always, their gift booth reminds me of peace, beauty and loveliness!

Oh, and lest you think I've been doing nothing creative these days, here are a couple of recipe tag books I finished -- these are just desserts!

Hope you are having a lovely weekend! Don't forget, comments this month are entered in a drawing for a lovely crystal similar to the ones on this post related to "The Crystal Project." Check it out!


  1. Your tag books would make great gifts. You are so creative!

    Most of the wines I pick up nowadays seem to come from Australia. You'll have a great selection at your tasting.

  2. You make me want to come to Lansing to go shopping.

  3. What a lovely, spring adventure. Thanks for taking me along! The colors are so beautiful - I am inspired to go to the garden center this very afternoon. :)

  4. you little rebel...I love it !!
    and after p.t. it's always good to treat yourself to something wonderful !!!

  5. Playing hooky is definitely a good thing. That market looks like something I would love.

  6. I agree with Beth.... after P.T. one must have some kind of reward! Wish I could've shopped with you.

  7. Good for you, noticing the opportunity and running with it! Looks like you had a wonderful time!

  8. PT, while it can accomplish seeming miracles is generally painful. I'm glad you got to have fun afterward. Good for you!

  9. You make me long for a vacation in the USA again. Those markets are so different from ours. Well, next year, maybe...

  10. That farmers market looks heavenly. We have one in Nashville but I haven't gotten a chance to go over there lately. Maybe next week. Hope all is well with you!

  11. Good morning, happy belated pink Saturday. Still making my rounds from Beverly's list. I read and enjoyed your recent posts, your whole blog is lovely!


  12. The photo of the dove and PEACE sign is perfectly perfect. I love it.

    And am thinking about trying those tag books.

    I just have to work on 3 assignments and then I'm "free" to head to the craft desk! yay!

  13. I love me some cheese! You are so lucky to have such markets to shop at. There is NOTHING like this where I live. Enjoy some good cheeses for me!


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