The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fun for a Good Cause

This past weekend I participated in a bowl-a-thon fundraiser for the Michigan Disabilities Coalition.

Participate is not an accurate word. I may be slingless, but I'm not allowed to lift that much, even with the good arm. So, I was team cheerleader! Here are Jane, Kip and Sharon watching a good score!

Our intrepid team, The Joyworkers, featured my pals John, Kip and Dick in the back row and organizer Sharon, Jane, Kate and me (rah!) Judy was sick, but we thought of her often!

John's wife Sharon organized the teams and played with The Booth Group! They are Judy, Mike, Sharon, Cathie and Meegan.

The event made more than $8,000 for the coalition and our group (Sharon's efforts at sponsorships) brought in about $1,500! We didn't win any prizes, but we had a great time!

A reminder that you can win a crystal similar to this one by commenting on this post and others this month. For more about the Crystal Project done by my friend Richard to help support the Greater Lansing Food Bank, see this post. It's a terrific way to help teach elementary children about giving back.


  1. What a fun time you all had! I Love to bowl but its been years since I have done it. I hope all is well with you!

  2. I would have had to have a been a team cheerleader with you....those arms of ours just aren't what they used to be, huh ?

  3. Great job!! What a fun way to raise some money for a great cause!

  4. Hi Jeanie, Rick sent me to your blog Sunday. I knew you were talented but this is wonderful. I just spent 2 hours reading and enjoying and spending time with you and Rick. Keep up the good work. Love to you both. Kitty

  5. We just donated to our food bank too
    There are so many in need.
    Love you

  6. It`s a long time ago that I bowled...we have two different kinds of bowling...the normal bowling with small bowls like you show and then we have another bowling with rather big bowls, which have wholes to put 2 fingers in you know that difference, too??? In German the first one is called "Kegeln" and the other one is "Bowling".
    xxx Iris

  7. Love the pictures! How did you get everyone to pose? (do they know it's for your blog?) cool people, cool event. Glad you babied your arm, though!

  8. such an amazing project and so kind of you to share = Lovely!

  9. I love your photo of the bowling balls! Great colors. If only I had the room for a display of them in my house. Hmmm, would make a great one for the garden (ie: instead of a gazing ball).


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