The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, April 24, 2009

Where Am I?

I'm off for the weekend!
Rick and I are on the road -- can you guess where we are by these photos?
There's no prize for guessing the right place, but there is a prize for any comments made on this post by Monday, April 27! I'll pick up a little something on my visit!


  1. Wisconsin?????? Have fun wherever you are!!!

  2. ummm....well, if you're in this crazy wind storm that's blowing through right now I'm going to guess you're not in kansas !!!

  3. I'd be tempted to guess Austria or Hungary, but you did say "road" trip... so, um, Cleveland? If so, say hello to Mama K!

  4. I have no idea but it looks like fun!

  5. I don't have a clue either, but I know you will have fun!

  6. Well, I have NO idea where the "bookshelves" picture is taken but I would LOVE to be there! Hope your trip is going well - will "talk" when you get back.

  7. I'm guessing somewhere midwest...but admit I'm stymied.

  8. looks like a farmers market to me. Bees Wax candles, produce, etc. Mmmmmmmmm!

  9. Wow. Are you in Charlevoix? I remember a farmer's market and fair there once. Wherever you are, enjoy yourself!!! xo

  10. Not a clue where you are, but that last photo is great - the turtle is a special delight. I met a turtle on top of the Mississippi River levee on my little venture, and we had quite a conversation. I've got his photo, but unfortunately my shadow was enough to make him pull his head and feet in. That's ok. I have no dignity, and still was able to get his pic by getting down to "turtle level"!

  11. Clueless for sure. Could be up the road from me or anywhere for that matter. The best thing though is that you are out and about and enjoying it. Love, Annie

  12. I was there and couldn't even begin to guess from the context of these pictures!!

  13. It reminds me of India, but I don't think you travelled so far. So I don't know...
    In any case great pics :))



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