The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Welcome to Pink Saturday! Visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for more pink things!

I've been "nesting" a lot during my recovery -- and in more ways than one!

Here are a few of my favorite nests!

These lovely pink marbled eggs were purchased at last year's Artiscape. I wish I had the name of the artist -- I love them.

And here they are -- a bit closer...

I love the marbling detail.

My friend Cathy gave me this beautiful basket (aka nest) -- speckled wooden eggs make their home here!

And below, another "nest" -- my blue yarn rests in an artist's basket, but it's peppered with some pinkish eggs -- and my little pink-and-green bunny ballerina! (Visit later for a better look and a little more about her her in my upcoming "bunny" post!)

Keep looking at posts below for more Easter fun (like, my egg trees!) And remember, lots of bloggers are celebrating Pink Saturday today. Visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for a complete list!


  1. I like the results of your nesting. Beautiful eggs! Happy Pink Saturday. ♥

  2. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday. Check out my book giveaways!

    Come for Blue Monday.

  3. Pink Saturday is one of those times that I indulge myself and my ♥ of the color pink. Today your blog helped to fill my pink-a-licious desire. Thanks so much!

    What is it about nests that makes us feel so good? Must be the fact that they are filled with sweet, new life.

  4. I forgot all about that basket I gave you. Love the branches in the clear vase with marbles and jelly beans. After surgery and with an arm in a sling, you do FAR FAR FAR MORE than I do.

  5. I have to say I love birds nests. I think if you have a tree or large plant in the house, it always looks so good with a nest tucked in somewhere. Happy Pink Saturday, Char
    I also want to say that your eggs are beautiful as well. Good luck finding the artist, I hope you do.

  6. I love these birdnest baskets! and the eggs, too, of course. So bright, so spring-y, so celebratory!

    and thank you for your note, my dear dear friend across the miles, that you left on my blog!

    big hugs!

  7. What lovely groupings! And those swirled artist eggs are gorgeous! I've not seen any nests as big as these you have. Now I'm going to be on a hunt for some.

    I agree with your friend that even with an arm in a sling you get more done than I ever do. Right now we are in the process of some remodeling, so I've not been able to decorate.

  8. Your nests are lovely. I really like the idea of mixing yarn in with the eggs.


  9. Those marbled eggs are wonderful! Happy Pink Saturday!

  10. The eggs and nest are beautiful, but your arrangements really set them off. Just gorgeous!

  11. I was thinking looking at your beautiful nests what kinds of birds would lay such eggs. I would love to try and make a couple. You've got me thinking...

  12. oh I love your eggs. Those are beautiful!

  13. Love your new look!! I never did bring out my spring/Easter stuff. Another year missed. Oh well. xo

  14. I love the marbled eggs, too. Still visiting PS blogs. Have a wonderful day!

  15. So pretty! I love your nests (and your trees!). This background looks new, too, and fresh, ready for your post-recovery bloom!

  16. Well, I love pink, so I'll have to go visit.

    Your Easter baskets and nests are delightful :) You're so creative!

  17. I found an egg-treasure last year on a dock. It was a lovely, aquamarine egg that belonged to an egret. The new mamas who don't have the system down perfectly sometimes will deposit their eggs just anywhere, and when I found this one lying on the concrete, there was nothing to do but bring it home and put it in its own little nest.

    It survived for months, until Dixie Rose did it in, quite by accident. It was beautiful while it lasted - which points to the great advantage of your eggs. Your kitty can't "do them in".

  18. Those marbleized eggs are truly amazing. WOW!


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