The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wearin' o' the Green

Happy St. Patrick's Day! These are a few of my "green" photos!

Spools of Shepherd's Wool from Stonehedge Fiber Farm

Tulip from my last year's garden -- tight shot!

Tulip -- wide shot!

Harry Heron at the wetland park at the end of my street. (aka, Rick's ditch.)

Last year's Lilies of the Valley!

Marvelous mint!

Shopping at Horrock's -- Vases!

My favorite bottles from Horrock's -- I just love these!

Faux tulips at Horrocks.

My friend Annette's hosta garden at the lake!

Enjoy St. Paddy's!


  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! Enjoyed your lovely green photos! Hope you are making it ok.

  2. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Love the photos.

  3. What GREAT pictures. I LOVE the clear green vases. Way cool. Looks like exploding green water.

  4. I love the tulip! Hope you're recovering nicely. I went to the St Patricks parade today - gorgeous weather.

  5. Score! So you're up and about and takin gpictures and sourcing some you alrady took...!!!!Awesome-these are great. (love the yarn - love the flowers.) I hope you're feeling waaaay better. I am definitely getting some lilies of the valley for the garden this year. I was delighted to see yours. They are perennials, right?

  6. What a nice springy collection- of course, you know which one is my favorite- I'd love to get my hands on some of that wool.

  7. Love all the green photos! Hope you had a lovely St. Pat's celebration!

  8. Gorgeous greens! And so seasonally appropriate, too! I'm awestruck by the picture you caught of the heron; it's so perfectly framed by branches and greens, it looks like a painting.

    Hope you are feeling much better -- did you enjoy your St. Patrick's Day?

  9. Oooo... I love your greens. LOVE them. Especially the spools of wool.


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