The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thank You!

A note: Our office e-mail program has been reconfigured. For a bit, I'm not getting all of my email -- definitely not Gypsy/blogger e-mails, though I am getting a ton of spam. So, if I don't answer your comments, please forgive me! They're working on it!

Many thanks to the wonderful Diana, whom you may know as "Oh" as in Oh, Books, Oh Paper, Oh, Life!

She passed along to me the "I Heart Your Blog" award!

I am so pleased, partly because I love her own blog so very much, and partly because it gives me the opportunity to pass it along to seven others. (How do I pick seven blogs? Especially when I have picked blogs before for other citations -- not to mention that Diana nailed a couple I would want to be sure to introduce to you?)

Well, there is no shortage of wonderful spots to visit, new things to see -- whether they express the visual, the written or life in general. So check out these folks! (And others on my blogroll, too!).

Theoretically, you pass this on to seven blogs. Do your best!

Mike Smith at Dissent Decree always has something interesting to say (I recommend scrolling down to his fabulous post about "Snapper" who learns that all the bells and whistles on a camera can't make up for inspiration!)

Jane Rosemont has always had a wonderful web site but she has recently started a new blog, filled with her art and photography. (Check it out often, for as I write this she is in Bali, no doubt shooting beauty with abandon, but probably unable to add new content for a week or two.)

I've recently become enchanted with An Artist's Legacy, by Nathalie, -- a wonderful place to find beautiful things and lovely ideas. I always leave inspired.

Birds of the Texas Panhandle by Dale is one beautiful bird image after another -- with some fascinating commentary as well.

Bead Fluff is Mary T's spot, and she shares lovely things from her life as well as her art -- which is far more than beads, but also lovely drawings as well.

Bobbi of My Muse and Me responds often to some of the writing blog community's prompts, and in doing so through both poetry and essay reveals so very much of her world.

Finally, if you're an ATC fan, visit Maryellen at Liven, Loven, N Laughen for Art. She's a prolific ATC artist (and don't miss her Japanese haiku cards!)


  1. Congrats for the award! Hope you're continuing to feel better, with every day that passes.

  2. Congratulations, Jeanie! And thank you for passing it to my blog. You are very kind! :)

  3. Congrats! You do have a lot of awards lined up on your blog - very impressive!

  4. Congratulations! I love your blog, too!

    And thanks for another great list of links. I'm a (silent) fan of several of these, and I appreciate the nudge to expand my horizons with the others. Hope you're continuing to feel better!

  5. I checked today and what a nice surprise. I guess you aren't one of the seven I can pass along, but I love that I get to pass it on. Thanks and feel better.

  6. Jeanie:
    Thanks for the reward. It means a lot to have a friend and a fan like you. I hope the shoulder is feeling much better.


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