The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bits and Pieces

I've been reading! You can get my take on three books -- "Eat, Pray, Love," "Snobs" and "Knit Two" on Chopsticks and String.

I'm back to work on Wednesday and start with an on-air shift on WKAR Radio during our fundraising week. If you care to give a listen, tune in online at and then click on the "listen" button. I'm there from 9 till noon, but the music is wonderful all the time.

I also finished some projects -- small knitting projects to be sure, but done nonetheless. Among them:

I got the button on this little purse. I'm rather fond of this small felted bag in its soft grays and burgundy tones. The button came from a trip to Williamsburg a couple of years ago. I've wanted to use them on something fun -- I still have a few left!

A scarf/hand-warmer set. My hands get so cold -- these fingerless mitts let me type while keeping warm.

I also made a darker pair for early gardening. No, I won't dig in the dirt with them, but they're good for when you're NEAR the dirt!

And here's another nice scarf with some lovely yarn. Soft variegated browns and grays.

Now if only I dared get glue or paint near my sling!


  1. I've a lot of wrist/hand warmer but never one with fingers. I need to try that with some yarn remnants. Love the pretty blue you chose. Tomorrow I'll clock in at work so I can hear you and see(???)you. I hope with the time difference that I don't miss you.

  2. Beautiful knitting stuff! Good luck being back at work!

  3. love the fingerless gloves...I wore some quit a bit this winter !!!

  4. Those are some beautiful blues and grays! Cozy warm things that maybe you won't need to wear until October?

  5. What lovely knitting! How wonderful that you are able to get some projects done! I can't believe you'll be back at work already. How are you doing?

  6. I'm so glad you can knit, but how on earth do you do it!

    Those gloves are cool.

  7. Rock on, Jeanie! Such lovely pieces!

  8. Beautiful pieces..I need some of those fingerless gloves for piano playing in the orchestra pit. It's cold and dank down there :(

    Good luck with radio pledge week!

  9. I've been wanting to make some fingerless gloves, too- I was thinking they'd be great to wear in the early morning at flea markets- keep your hand warms but fingers free to pick stuff up.


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