The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Make Movies!

I've discovered a fun new site I wanted to pass along. It's called Animoto and you can make your own movies from your photos!

Here's one of our bike ride on the Creeper Trail last year.

These are thirty-second movies and I recommend no more than five or six images. These are free, but if you want to make longer movies, there is a registration fee. It's not much (a few dollars, I think).

I didn't play with uploading any music. They have a fun movie library.

This is my cousin David and me LONG ago!

Stop by and play, but beware -- it's addictive!


  1. The bike ride "movie" is great! So clever - must try this! Thanks for the tip.

  2. How cool! I love yours! Thanks for sharing. I will have to try this out!

  3. I'm afraid to look--because I might find one more thing I like doing online! LOL

  4. How cool is this! I love it and will probably waste even more time on the computer doing stuff like this. Thanks Jeanie!

  5. What fun! These are so cool! It's a good thing I don't take many pictures -- otherwise this could be a HUGE distraction.

  6. Oh, this is a must see!! Thanks!

  7. fun!fun!fun! of course i looked at the picture/movies - how cool! I don't dare go to that site tonight. It's late! Thanks for the reference!


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