The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Vegas Four -- Shopping In Vegas

Today's Holiday Images are all from displays in department stores and malls in Las Vegas!

By now, I should have shopped rather a lot!

Perhaps it will be time for a rest!

Alas, my legs aren't nearly so long and elegant as this pretty lady!

This month will be my first blogging anniversary -- it is December 18! So, I'll be having a celebratory drawing later in the month. (Probably December 31, but I'll let you know if it changes!

Any comments left on The Marmelade Gypsy will be entered to win a packet of prizes -- I'll post them when I decide what they are!

Comment on every post and your name will be included multiple times!
Don't forget -- my series on grieving continues on Chopsticks and String with part two, Getting Through the Holidays.


  1. love the Vegas Christmas baubles.


  2. A Vegas Christmas is so much bigger than anywhere else in the world - thanks for the peek!

  3. Your photos are great! Giving us all the feeling of what Las Vegas is like at holiday time. I've never been.
    Cold and more snow here. We don't have to dream of a White Christmas I guess.

  4. thanks for sharing las vegas with me...I've never been and it looks like you are having a blast !!!

  5. Nothing like a Blingy and Bright Vegas Christmas!!! I have only saw Vegas in the Summer, would love to see it at Christmas. Keep having fun!

  6. Vegas and Christmas, seems weird. But the mannequins were very well done! My legs would never be that long either!

  7. How fun!! I've never been to Vegas. One day!

  8. I can't imagine christmas in vegas. It just seems - weird!

  9. Those are some nifty looking elves and snow mamas.

  10. Amazing! I think it would send me into... what's the equivalent of sugar shock for glitter & lights? Something like that!

  11. Looks like things are "larger than life" in Vegas. I never would have imagined Christmas decorations there, but they are beautiful!

  12. Anna in NYC and you in Vegas! Thanks for the eye candy!!!!


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